<h2>Wiki Formatting Rule Summary</h2> # Blank lines are paragraph breaks # Bullets are "*" surrounded by two spaces at the beginning of a line # Enumeration items are "#" or a digit and a "." surrounded by two spaces at the beginning of a line # Indented paragraphs begin with a tab or two spaces # Hyperlinks are contained within square brackets: <nowiki>"<b>[</b><i>target</i><b>]</b>" or "<b>[</b><i>target</i><b>|</b><i>label</i><b>]</b>"</nowiki> # Most ordinary HTML works # <verbatim> and <nowiki> We call the first five rules above the "wiki" formatting rules. The last two rules are the HTML formatting rules. <h2>Formatting Rule Details</h2> 1. <b>Paragraphs.</b> Any sequence of one or more blank lines forms a paragraph break. Centered or right-justified paragraphs are not supported by wiki markup, but you can do these things if you need them using HTML. 2. <b>Bullet Lists.</b> A bullet list item is a line that begins with a single "*" character surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or by a tab. Only a single level of bullet list is supported by wiki. For nested lists, use HTML. 3. <b>Enumeration Lists.</b> An enumeration list item is a line that begins with a single "#" character surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or by a tab. Or it can be a number and a "." (ex: "5.") surrounded on both sides by two spaces or a tab. Only a single level of enumeration list is supported by wiki. For nested lists or for enumerations that count using letters or roman numerals, use HTML. 4. <b>Indented Paragraphs.</b> Any paragraph that begins with two or more spaces or a tab and which is not a bullet or enumeration list item is rendered indented. Only a single level of indentation is supported by wiki. Use HTML for deeper indentation. 5. <b>Hyperlinks.</b> Text within square brackets <nowiki>("[...]")</nowiki> becomes a hyperlink. The target can be a wiki page name, the artifact ID of a check-in or ticket, the name of an image, a URL, or an [#intermap|interwiki link] of the form "<i>Tag</i><b>:</b><i>PageName</i>". By default, the target is displayed as the text of the hyperlink. But you can specify alternative text after the target name separated by a "|" character. You can also link to internal anchor names using <nowiki>[#anchor-name],</nowiki> providing you have added the necessary "<a name='anchor-name'></a>" tag to your wiki page. 6. <b>HTML.</b> The following standard HTML elements may be used: <a> <address> <article> <aside> <b> <big> <blockquote> <br> <center> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <dd> <del> <dfn> <div> <dl> <dt> <em> <font> <footer> <ins> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <header> <hr> <i> <img> <kbd> <li> <nav> <nobr> <nowiki> <ol> <p> <pre> <s> <samp> <section> <small> <span> <strike> <strong> <sub> <sup> <table> <tbody> <td> <tfoot> <th> <thead> <title> <tr> <tt> <u> <ul> <var> <verbatim>. There are two non-standard elements available: <verbatim> and <nowiki>. No other elements are allowed. All attributes are checked and only a few benign attributes are allowed on each element. In particular, any attributes that specify javascript or CSS are elided. 7. <b>Special Markup.</b> The <nowiki> tag disables all wiki formatting rules through the matching </nowiki> element. The <verbatim> tag works like <pre> with the addition that it also disables all wiki and HTML markup through the matching </verbatim>. Text within <tt><verbatim type="pikchr">...</verbatim></tt> is formatted using <a href="https://pikchr.org/home">Pikchr</a>. <a name="intermap"></a> <h2>Interwiki Tag [/intermap|Map]</h2> <blockquote><table> <tr><td>fossil</td><td> → </td><td>https://fossil-scm.org/home/</td></tr> <tr><td>fsldoc</td><td> → </td><td>https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www</td></tr> </table></blockquote>