Winsock Programmer’s FAQ Examples: How to Check for a RAS Connection |
If you want to know whether the computer is “connected to the Internet,” what you often really want to know is whether there is a dial-up networking connection. This is accomplished with the Remote Access Service API, which is NT-speak for “Dial Up Networking.”)
See this FAQ item for the pitfalls with using this method to check for an Internet connection.
/*********************************************************************** rascheck.cpp - Check whether there is a RAS connection (Internet via modem) on this machine, and if so whether it's up or not. Original code by "Elmue", reformatted by Warren Young. Build command: cl /GX rascheck.cpp ***********************************************************************/ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include "rascheck.h" using namespace std; RasCheck::defConnStat RasCheck::pRasGetConnectStatus = 0; RasCheck::defEnumConn RasCheck::pRasEnumConnections = 0; // Loads RasAPI32.DLL and gets Entrypoints. // creates public functions pRasGetConnectStatus and pRasEnumConnections void RasCheck::Init() { HINSTANCE hRasLib = LoadLibrary("RASAPI32.DLL"); if (hRasLib != 0) { pRasGetConnectStatus = (defConnStat)GetProcAddress(hRasLib, "RasGetConnectStatusA"); pRasEnumConnections = (defEnumConn)GetProcAddress(hRasLib, "RasEnumConnectionsA"); } } // Returns the state of the modem connection. May return an error code if // there is no RAS subsystem on this machine or something goes wrong // while checking for the connection. RasCheck::ConnectionState RasCheck::Check() { if ((pRasGetConnectStatus == 0) || (pRasEnumConnections == 0)) { return kNoRas; } DWORD nConnCount = 0; DWORD nBufSize = sizeof(RASCONN); LPRASCONN pRasBuf = (LPRASCONN)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, nBufSize); pRasBuf->dwSize = nBufSize; LPRASCONNSTATUS pStat = 0; ConnectionState eRetVal = kDisconnected; if (pRasEnumConnections(pRasBuf, &nBufSize, &nConnCount) == 0) { // Got the list of RAS links, which may be empty. Try to find one // that's currently connected. pStat = (LPRASCONNSTATUS)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS)); for (DWORD i = 0; i < nConnCount; ++i, ++pRasBuf) { pStat->dwSize = sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS); if (pRasGetConnectStatus(pRasBuf->hrasconn, pStat) == 0) { if ((pStat->dwError == 0) && (pStat->rasconnstate == RASCS_Connected)) { eRetVal = kConnected; break; } } } } else { eRetVal = kError; } GlobalFree(pStat); GlobalFree(pRasBuf); return eRetVal; } #if 1 // change to 0 to compile as part of another program int main() { RasCheck ras; ras.Init(); switch (ras.Check()) { case RasCheck::kConnected: cout << "RAS connection is up." << endl; break; case RasCheck::kDisconnected: cout << "RAS connection is down." << endl; break; case RasCheck::kNoRas: cout << "No RAS present on this machine." << endl; break; case RasCheck::kError: cout << "Failure while checking RAS connections." << endl; break; } return 0; } #endif
#if !defined(RASCHECK_H) #define RASCHECK_H #include <ras.h> #include <string> class RasCheck { public: enum ConnectionState { kConnected, kDisconnected, kNoRas, kError }; static void Init(); ConnectionState Check(); private: typedef DWORD(WINAPI * defConnStat) (HRASCONN, LPRASCONNSTATUS); typedef DWORD(WINAPI * defEnumConn) (LPRASCONN, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); static defConnStat pRasGetConnectStatus; static defEnumConn pRasEnumConnections; }; #endif // !defined(RASCHECK_H)
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