PiDP-8/I Software

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Ticket Hash: fcd776ae6bacef7ee6ba1cc31765db16ca15c062
Title: --disable-os8-cc8 drops LIBC even with the default --with-cc8-cross
Status: Verified Type: Code Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Low
Subsystem: CC8 Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-02-25 01:21:35
Version Found In:
User Comments:
tangent added on 2019-02-21 10:21:16: (text/x-fossil-plain)
The process of assembling the cross-compiled LIBC.SB file is part of an os8-run script that runs only when --disable-os8-cc8 is not given, which means you cannot use the cross-compiler to build PDP-8 executables unless you also include the OS/8 compiler, which you might not even need.

That script should either be broken into two parts or have conditional execution, so that the LIBC build occurs as long as *either* CC8 compiler is built.

We might as well copy over the example programs as well in this situation.

Since we don't particularly want all of this on the disk packs under test-os8-run, that script should be taught to add --disable-cc8-cross when the option shuffler includes --disable-os8-cc8.

poetnerd added on 2019-02-25 01:21:35: (text/x-fossil-plain)
A challenge in complying with this request:

The way the SABR loader populates memory, if the location of LIBC.RL changes,
the resulting .SV files will be gratuitously different, and the test suite output will

To keep the tests from changing, the cc8-tu56.os8 script carefully builds LIBC.RL,
copies it to the .tu56 image, and uses it from there, so that the .SV files built
will not be affected by a LIBC.RL file that would land in a location on the system .rk05
image that changes depending on what else got installed.

Separating out the build and deployment of LIBC.RL becomes a bit tricky.

Do we want always to build the os8-cc8.tu56 image, and sometimes not install the CC8
Native OS/8 compiler?