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#!/usr/bin/env @PYCMD@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Library for scripting OS/8 under SIMH
# Contains validators and callers for os8 and simh commands to make
# it easier to create scripts.
# Copyright © 2017-2019 by Jonathan Trites, William Cattey, and
# Warren Young.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the names of the authors above
# shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
# use or other dealings in this Software without prior written
# authorization from those authors.

# Bring in just the basics so we can bring in our local modules
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
sys.path.insert (0, os.path.dirname (__file__) + '/../lib')
sys.path.insert (0, os.getcwd () + '/lib')

# Python core modules we use
import re
from string import Template
import shutil
import subprocess

# Our local modules
from pidp8i import *
from simh import *

# Script Language Version
# Update this version number as the language evolves.
# Version 1.0 is the first public version.

# Error Class Definitions ##############################################
# Enables us to use exceptions from within this module.

class Error(Exception):
  """Base Class for exceptions in this module."""

class InputError(Error):
  """Exception raised for errors in the input.

  expr -- input expression in which the error occurred
  msg  -- explanation of the error

  def __init__(self, msg):
    self.msg = msg

  def __str__(self):
    return self.msg

# Private globals ######################################################
# Visible within this file, but not to the outside.

# Identify a begin enabled/not_disabled command. group(1) contains either the enabled or
# disabled flag. Put the rest of the line in group(2)
_begin_en_dis_comm_re = re.compile (r"^begin\s+(enabled|default|version)\s+(.+)$")
# Identify an end enabled/not_disabled command. group(1) contains either the enabled or
# disabled flag. Put the rest of the line in group(2)
_end_en_dis_comm_re = re.compile (r"^end\s+(enabled|default|version)\s+(.+)$")
# Identify an end comm and put the rest of the line in group(1)
_end_comm_re = re.compile (r"^end\s+(.+)?$")
# Identify an end option command and put the rest of the line in group(1)
_end_option_comm_re = re.compile (r"^end\s+option\s+(.+)$")

# A valid version spec
_version_parse_re = re.compile (r"^((\d+\.)*)?(\d+)?$")
# Name of the DECtape image file we create
_new_sys_tape_prefix = "system"

# Parser regexps used in patcher
_com_os8_parse_str = r"^\.([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(.*)$"
_com_os8_parse = re.compile(_com_os8_parse_str)
_com_split_str = r"^([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(.*)$"
_com_split_parse = re.compile(_com_split_str)
_odt_parse_str = r"^([0-7]+)\s*/\s*(\S+)\s+([0-7;]+)"
_odt_parse = re.compile(_odt_parse_str)

# Put command keyword in group(1) and the rest is in group(3)
_comm_re_str = r"^(\S+)(\s+(.+))?$"
_comm_re = re.compile(_comm_re_str)

# Identify an end comm and put the rest of the line in group(1)
_end_comm_re = re.compile (r"^end\s+(.+)?$")

# Identify an end option command and put the rest of the line in group(1)
_end_option_comm_re = re.compile (r"^end\s+option\s+(.+)$")

# Identify a begin command and put the rest of the line in group(1)
_begin_option_comm_re = re.compile (r"^begin\s+option\s+(.+)$")

# Parse an argument string into a sys device with
# device name in group(1), unit number in group(2)
# We put all bootable devices into this string so that when
# we add more devices, for example rl for RL01, we change one
# string not many.
_simh_boot_dev_str = r"(rk|td|dt|rx)(\d*)"
_simh_boot_re = re.compile("^" + _simh_boot_dev_str + "$")

# Parse an argument string for mount into SIMH device
# device name in group(1), unit number in group(2)
# And the rest in group (3)
_mount_regex_str = "^" + _simh_boot_dev_str + r"\s+(.+)$"
_mount_re = re.compile(_mount_regex_str)

# Map of SIMH device names to OS/8 device name prefixes.
_os8_from_simh_dev = {"rk" : "RK", "td" : "DTA", "dt" : "DTA", "rx" : "RX"}

_os8_partitions = {"RK": ["A", "B"]}

# OS/8 file name matching regex
_os8_file_re = re.compile(r"(\S+):(\S+)?")

# Regular expression for syntax checking inside FOTP
# Destination is in group(1), Source is in group(3)
_fotp_re = re.compile (r"^((\S+:)?\S+)<((\S+:)?\S+)$")

# Regular expression for detecting the 2 arg and 3 arg forms
# of the "pal8" script command.

# OS/8 name regex template:
# Optional device spec, i.e. DTA0:
# File spec with a specific extension or no extension.

_os8_fspec = Template (r"((\S+:)?([A-Z0-9]{1,6}|[A-Z0-9]{1,6}\.$ext))")
_os8_BN_fspec = _os8_fspec.substitute(ext="BN")
_os8_PA_fspec = _os8_fspec.substitute(ext="PA")
_os8_LS_fspec = _os8_fspec.substitute(ext="LS")

# Regex to parse a valid OS/8 option string either with slash or parens.
_opt_str = r"((/[A-Z0-9])+|\([A-Z0-9]+\))?"

# Regular expression for syntax checking inside ABSLDR
# FIXME: Use (and test) _opt_str for full OS/8 Option spec compatibility
# One or more OS/8 binary files and optional args beginning with a slash.

_absldr_re = re.compile ("^" + _os8_BN_fspec + "(," + _os8_BN_fspec + r")*(/\S)*$")

# Regular expressions for syntax checking for cpto and cpfrom.
# May be <source> where destination and default option /A is implied.
# Or <source> <option> where destination is implied and option is set.
# Or <source> <destination> where option /A is implied.
# Or <source> <destination> <option> are explicit.
# Valid options are "/A", "/I", and "/B"
# Use two regex's in order:
# <source> in group 1, <dest> in group 2.
# Option is one of /I /B /A in group 4.

# source in group 1, option in group 3.
_from_to_re_1 = re.compile (r"^(\S+)(\s+(/[AIB]))?$")
# source in group 1, destination in group 2, option in group 4.
_from_to_re_2 = re.compile (r"^(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(/[AIB]))?$")

# Array of regular expressions for syntax checking inside BUILD
_build_comm_regs = {"LOAD"  : re.compile(r"^(\S+:)?\S+(.BN)?$"),
                    "UNLOAD": re.compile(r"^\S+(,\S+)?$"),
                    "INSERT": re.compile(r"^\S+,\S+(,\S+)?$"),
                    "DELETE": re.compile(r"^\S+(,\S+)?$"),
                    "SYSTEM": re.compile(r"^\S+$"),
                    "DSK"   : re.compile(r"^(\S+:)?\S+$"),
                    "BUILD" : re.compile(r"^(\S+(.BN)?)\s+(\S+(.BN)?)$"),
                    "PRINT" : None,
                    "BOOT"  : None,
                    "end"   : None}

# Parse two whitspace separated arguments into group(1) and group(2)
_two_args_re = re.compile(r"^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$")

_rx_settings = ["rx01", "rx02", "RX8E", "RX28"]
_tape_settings = ["td", "dt"]
_tti_settings = ["KSR", "7b"]
_configurables = {"rx": _rx_settings, "tape": _tape_settings,
                  "tti": _tti_settings}

# Matches if the string begins with a dollar sign, and has at least
# one slash, returning the string between the dollar sign and the
# first slash in group 1 and the rest in group 2.
# No whitespace in the string.
_expandable_re = re.compile (r"^\$([^/\s]+)/(\S*)$")

# Parse an exit arg for an integer or an integer in parentheses
_exit_arg_re = re.compile (r"^(\s*[+-]?\s*\d+)|\s*\(\s*([+-]?\s*\d+)\s*\)\s*$")

# Options enabled/not_disabled for conditional execution in scripts.
# Earlier code allowed --enable and --disable. We interface to it.
# We maintain two arrays: options_enable and options_disabled for those
# two argument constructs.
# Argument parsing of repeated enable and disable arguments is as follows:
# --enable looks on options_disabled and if present removes it, then adds
# to options_enabled.
# --disable looks on options_enabled and if present removes it, then adds
# to options_enabled.
# Last seen enable/disable command line or executed command for a
# particular option wins.
# Scripts have enable/disable commands that are run-time
# changers of the contents of options_enabled and options_disabled.
# When we run a script we have begin/end blocks for enabled/not_disabled options:
# "begin enabled <option name>" ... "end enabled <option name>
# "begin not_disabled <option name>" ... "end not_disabled <option name>
# The enabled block looks for an explicit enablement on the options_enabled
# list. If none is found we default to ignoring the contents of the block.
# The not_disabled block looks for an explicit disablement on the
# options_disabled lis.  If found, the block is ignored. Otherwise
# the block defaults to being executed.
# begin/end blocks can be nested.  We track the nesting with options_stack.
# Testing for options happens when the begin command is evaluated.
# So changing an enable/disable option inside a begin/end block
# takes effect at the next begin statement. 
# You can write a script as follows:
# enable foo
# begin enabled foo
# # Commands to executed
# disable foo
# # Commands still being executed.
# begin enabled foo
# # Commands to ignore
# end enabled foo
# end enabled foo

# Local routine to perform a save of a pre-existing file
# because we do this in a couple places

def save_if_needed(path):
  if os.path.isfile(path):
    save_path = path + ".save"
    print("Pre-existing " + path + " found.  Saving as " + path + ".save")
    if os.path.isfile(save_path):
      print("Overwriting old " + path + ".save")
    os.rename(path, save_path)
def version_to_array (version):
  vers_array = []
  this_str = ""

  for c in version:
    if c != ".":
      this_str += c
      this_str = ""
  if this_str != "": vers_array.append(this_str)
  return vers_array

class os8script:
  # Contains a simh object, other global state and methods
  # for running OS/8 scripts under simh.
  #### globals and constants ###########################################

  # Replies that pal8 adds.
  _pal8_rep_adds = [
    # Prompts come from the existing _os8_replies
    # Status:
    # Errors:
    ["Buffer Exceeded", r"BE\s+\S+.*\r", True],
    ["Cref not Found", r"CF\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Device Error", r"DE\s+\S+.*\r", True],
    ["Device Full", r"DF\r", True],
    ["Illegal Character", r"IC\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Illegal re-Definition", r"ID\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Illegal Equals", r"IE\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Illegal Indirect", r"II\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Illegal PseudoOp", r"IP\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Illegal page Zero reference", r"IZ\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Loader not founD", r"LD\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Link Generated", r"LG\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["current Page Exceeded", r"PE\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["PHase Error", r"PH\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Re Definition", r"RD\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Symbol table Exceeded", r"SE\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Undefined Origin", r"UO\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["Undefined Symbol", r"US\s+\S.*\r", False],
    ["page Zero Exceeded", r"ZE\s+\S+.*\r", False],
    ["NOT FOUND", r"\S+ NOT FOUND", False],
  _build_rep_adds = [
    # Prompts:
    # Add the BUILD prompt
    # Subtle point:  Dollar sign appears in all kinds of output
    # so we try to minimize where we look for it so as to avoid
    # confusing pexpect.
    ["BUILD Prompt", "\n\\$$", True],
    # Status:
    ["SYS BUILT", "SYS BUILT", False],
    ["LOAD OS8", "LOAD OS/8: ", False],
    ["LOAD CD", "LOAD CD: ", False],
    # Errors:
    ["BAD ARG", "\\?BAD ARG", False],
    ["BAD INPUT", "\\?BAD INPUT", False],
    ["BAD LOAD", "\\?BAD LOAD", False],
    ["BAD ORIGIN", "\\?BAD ORIGIN", False],
    ["CORE", "\\?CORE", False],
    ["DSK", "\\?DSK", False],
    ["HANDLERS", "\\?HANDLERS", False],
    ["I/O ERR", "I/O ERR", False],
    ["NAME", "\\?NAME", False],
    ["NO ROOM", "NO ROOM", False],
    ["SYS NOT FOUND", "SYS NOT FOUND", False],
    ["PLAT", "\\?PLAT", False],
    ["SYNTAX", "\\?SYNTAX", False],
    ["SYS", "\\?SYS", False],
    ["SYS ERR", "SYS ERR", False],
    ["File NOT FOUND", r"\S+ NOT FOUND", False]

  _ocomp_rep_adds = [
    ["USER ERROR", "USER ERROR", False],

  #### intern_replies ##############################################################
  # Teach the os8script object about another set of replies.
  # Return True if successful, False if the replies of that name are already in place
  # If with_os8 is True, append the simh _os8_replies array.
  def intern_replies (self, name, replies, with_os8):
    if name in self.replies: return False
    self.replies[name] = replies
    if with_os8: self.replies[name].extend(self.simh._os8_replies)
    # Create the pre-compiled regex array too.
    self.replies_rex[name] = []
    for item in self.replies[name]:
    return True

  def __init__ (self, simh, enabled_options, disabled_options, verbose=False, debug=True):
    self.lang_version = LANG_VERSION
    self.verbose = verbose
    self.debug = debug
    self.simh = simh
    self.options_enabled = enabled_options
    self.options_disabled = disabled_options
    # Do we need separate stacks for enabled/disabled options?
    self.options_stack = []
    # List of scratch files to delete when we are done with all script runs.
    self.scratch_list = []
    self.booted = False
    # Initial line count stack has a single element, value 0
    # In this way we get graceful operation when the API
    # is called directly without having opened a script file.
    self.line_ct_stack = [0]

    # Create the table of reply tables.
    # Enable access to the simh and os8 tables through this interface.
    self.replies = {"simh": self.simh._simh_replies, "os8": self.simh._os8_replies}
    self.replies_rex = {"simh": self.simh._simh_replies_rex, "os8": self.simh._os8_replies_rex}
    # Perform intern_replies on all known sub-commands.
    self.intern_replies("build", self._build_rep_adds, True)
    self.intern_replies("pal8", self._pal8_rep_adds, True)
    self.intern_replies("ocomp", self._ocomp_rep_adds, True)

  #### path_expand #######################################################
  # Simple minded variable substitution in a path.
  # A path beginning with a dollar sign parses the characters between
  # the dollar sign and the first slash seen becomes a name to
  # expand with a couple local names: $home and the anchor directories
  # defined in lib/pidp8i/
  # Returns None if the expansion fails.  That signals the caller to fail.

  def path_expand (self, path):
    m = re.match(_expandable_re, path)
    if m == None: return path
    var =

    val = getattr (dirs, var, None)
    if val != None:
      return os.path.join(val,
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ": {$" + var + "} is not a valid path expansion in " + path)
      return None

  #### print_expand ######################################################
  # Close kin to path_expand.  Takes a string that may name a path
  # substitution or the magic $version value and performs the appropriate
  # value substitution.

  def print_expand (self,str):
    end = str.find("$")
    if end == -1: return str

    m = re.findall(r"\$\S+",str)
    if m == None: return str

    outstr = ""
    start = 0

    for name in m:
      end = str.index(name, start)
      outstr += str[start:end]

      sub = getattr (dirs, name[1:], None)
      if sub == None:
        if name == "$version": sub = self.lang_version
        else: sub = name

      outstr += sub
      start = end + len(name)

    return outstr

  #### version_test ######################################################
  # Compare each component of the version test agains the actual version
  # Return true if actual version is greater than or equal to the test
  # version.
  # Caller validates test with _version_parse_re so we only
  # need to return True or False, not error.
  def version_test (self, test):
    test_array = version_to_array(test)
    version_array = version_to_array(self.lang_version)
    idx = 0
    endpoint = len(test_array)

    while idx < endpoint:
      # If version has more digits than test, the greater than test succeeds.
      if idx >= len(version_array):
           vers_item = "0"
         vers_item = version_array[idx]
      test_item = test_array[idx]
      if self.debug:
        print("version_test: vers_item: " + vers_item + \
           ", test_item: " + test_item)

      vers_num = int(vers_item)
      test_num = int(test_item)

      # First time version componet greater than test -> success.
      if vers_num > test_num:
        if self.debug:
          print("version_test: Success: version greater than test.")
        return True
      # First time version component less than test -> failure.
      elif test_num > vers_num:
        if self.debug: print("version_test: Fails on sub compare.")
        return False
      #Otherwise is equal. Keep going.

      idx += 1
    # Made it all the way through. Test succeeds.
    if self.debug:
      print("version_test: Success. Made it thru test string.")
    return True

  #### basic_line_parse ################################################
  # Returns stripped line and any other cleanup we want.
  # Returns None if we should just 'continue' on to the next line.
  # Filters out comments.
  # Processes the option begin/end blocks.
  def basic_line_parse (self, line, script_file):
    self.line_ct_stack[0] += 1
    retval = line.strip()
    if retval == "": return None
    elif retval[0] == "#": return None
    # First test if we are in a begin option block
    m = re.match (_begin_en_dis_comm_re, retval)
    if m != None:
      en_dis =
      rest =
      if self.verbose: print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
         ": doing_begin_option: " + en_dis + " " + rest)
      if self.debug:
        print("options_enabled: " + str (self.options_enabled))
        print("options_disabled: " + str (self.options_disabled))
        print("options_stack: " + str(self.options_stack))

      vers_match = False
      if en_dis == "version":
        # Check for mal-formed version match first
        if re.match (_version_parse_re, rest) == None:
          print("Mal-formed version match string {" + rest + "} at line " + \
            str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". Ignoring this block.")
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end (retval, script_file, en_dis + " " + rest)
          return None
        vers_match = self.version_test (rest)
        if vers_match:
          # Block is active. We push it onto the stack
          if self.debug:
            print("Pushing version enabled block " + rest + \
                " onto options_stack")
          self.options_stack.insert(0, rest)
          if self.debug: print(" new options_stack: " + \
          # Option is inactive.  Ignore all subseqent lines
          # until we get to an end command that matches our option.
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end (retval, script_file, en_dis + " " + rest)
        return None
      elif en_dis == "enabled":
        if rest in self.options_enabled:
          # Block is active. We push it onto the stack
          if self.debug:
              print("Pushing enabled block " + rest + " onto options_stack")
          self.options_stack.insert(0, rest)
          if self.debug:
            print("new options_stack: " + str(self.options_stack))
          # Option is inactive.  Ignore all subseqent lines
          # until we get to an end command that matches our option.
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end (retval, script_file, en_dis + " " + rest)

        return None
      # only other choice is disabled because of our regex.
        if rest not in self.options_disabled:
          # Block defaults to active. We push it onto the stack
          if self.debug:
            print("Pushing not_disabled block " + rest + \
                " onto options_stack")
          self.options_stack.insert(0, rest)
          if self.debug:
            print("new options_stack: " + str(self.options_stack))
          # Block is inactive.  Ignore all subseqent lines
          # until we get to an end command that matches our option.
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end (retval, script_file, en_dis + " " + rest)
        return None
    m = re.match(_end_en_dis_comm_re, retval)
    if m != None:
      rest =
      if self.verbose:
        print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": end rest = " + rest)
      if (rest == None or rest == ""):
        print("Warning! option end statement at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + " encountered with no argument.")
        return None
      if len(self.options_stack) == 0:
        print("Warning! option end statement at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
          " found with no matching begin for option: " + rest)
        return None
      if rest != self.options_stack[0]:
        print("Warning! Mismatched option begin/end group at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". Currently inside option: " + \
          self.options_stack[0] + " not " + rest)
        return None
        if self.debug: print("Popping " + self.options_stack[0])
        if self.debug:
          print("new options_stack: " + str(self.options_stack))
        return None
    return retval
  #### ignore_to_subcomm_end ###########################################
  def ignore_to_subcomm_end (self, old_line, script_file, end_str):
    if self.debug: print("ignore to: " + end_str)
    for line in script_file:
      self.line_ct_stack[0] += 1
      line = line.strip()
      if self.verbose:
        print("Ignore line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
      m = re.match(_end_comm_re, line)
      if m == None: continue
      rest =
      if rest == None: rest = ""
      if rest == end_str: return
  #### include_command #################################################
  # Call run_script_file recursively on the file path provided.
  def include_command (self, line, script_file):
    path = self.path_expand(line)
    if path == None:
      print("Ignoring: \n\tinclude " + line)
      return "fail"

    if not os.path.isfile(path):
      print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ": Could not find include file: " + path)
      return "fail"
    if self.verbose:
      print("line: " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": include " + path)
    return self.run_script_file (path)
  #### enable_option_command ###########################################
  # Deletes an option from the list of active options.
  # Parses the first argument after "enable" as the key to enable.
  # The end of the key is the end of the line or the first whitespace
  # character.
  def enable_option_command (self, line, script_file):
    if line == "":
      print("Empty option to enable at line: " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
    if m == None:
      print("Could not parse enable command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    option =
    if option == None:
      print("Empty option to enable command at line: " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
         ": enable option: " + option)
    # Remove it from other set if present
    if option in self.options_disabled:
    # Add it if not already present.
    if option not in self.options_enabled:
    return "success"

  #### disable_option_command ###########################################
  # Deletes an option from the list of active options.
  # Parses the first argument after "disable" as the key to enable.
  # The end of the key is the end of the line or the first whitespace
  # character.
  def disable_option_command (self, line, script_file):
    if line == "":
      print("Empty option to disable at line: " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
    if m == None:
      print("Could not parse disable option command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    option =
    if option == None:
      print("Empty option to disable command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    if self.verbose:
      print("line: " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
          ": disable option: " + option)
    # Remove it from other set if present
    if option in self.options_enabled:
    # Add it if not already present.
    if option not in self.options_disabled:
    return "success"

  #### configure_command ###############################################
  # First arg is the item to configure.
  # Second arg is the setting.
  # This enables adding option setting inside a script file.
  def configure_command (self, line, script_file):
    m = re.match(_two_args_re, line)
    if m == None or == None or == None: 
      print("Could not parse configure command arguments at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": {" + line + "}")
      return "fail"
    item =
    setting =
    if item not in _configurables:
      print("Ignoring invalid configuration item at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + item)
      return "fail"
    if setting not in _configurables[item]:
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ": Cannot set " + item + " to " + setting + ".")
      return "fail"
    if item == "tape":
    elif item == "rx":
      self.simh.set_rx_config (setting)
    elif item == "tti":
      self.simh.set_tti_config (setting)
    return "success"

  #### cpto_command ###########################################
  # Calls os8_pip_to with the command line arguments.
  def cpto_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run cpto command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"

    # Is 2nd and final arg the option?
    m = re.match(_from_to_re_1, line)
    if m != None:
      # Yes.  Expand Source first.
      path = self.path_expand(
      if path == None:
        print("Ignoring: \n\tcpto " + line)
        return "fail"
      self.simh.os8_pip_to (path, "DSK:",
      # Is this normal case of source, dest, with possibly empty option?
      m = re.match(_from_to_re_2, line)
      if m == None:
        print("Could not parse cpto command at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
        return "fail"
      path = self.path_expand(
      if path == None:
        print("Ignoring: \n\tcpto " + line)
        return "fail"
      self.simh.os8_pip_to (path,,, self.debug)
    return "success"

  #### cpfrom_command #########################################
  # Calls os8_pip_from with the command line arguments.
  def cpfrom_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run cpfrom command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"
    m = re.match(_from_to_re_2, line)
    if m == None:
      print("Could not parse cpfrom command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
      return "fail"
    path = self.path_expand(
    if path == None:
      print("Ignoring: \n\tcpfrom " + line)
      return "fail"
    self.simh.os8_pip_from (, path,
    return "success"

  #### copy_command ###############################################
  # Simple script interface to create a copy of a file.

  def copy_command (self, line, script_file):
    m = re.match(_two_args_re, line)
    if m == None or == None or == None: 
      print("Could not copy command: " + line)
      return "fail"
    from_path = self.path_expand(      
    to_path = self.path_expand(

    if from_path == None or to_path == None:
      print("Ignoring: \n\t copy " + line)
      return "fail"

    print("copy command: \n\tfrom: " + from_path + ", \n\tto: " + to_path)
    if (not os.path.isfile(from_path)):
        print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
          ": Required copy input file: " + from_path + " not found.")
        return "fail"

      shutil.copyfile(from_path, to_path)
    except shutil.Error as e:
      print("copy command failed with error: " + str(e))
      return "fail"
    except IOError as e:
      print("copy command failed with IOError: " + str(e))
      return "fail"
    return "success"

  #### resume_command #############################################
  # Call the os8_resume in simh to resume OS/8.

  def resume_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run resume command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"

    if self.verbose:
      print("Resuming OS/8 at line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")

    return "success"

  #### restart_command #############################################
  # Call the os8_restart in simh to resume OS/8.

  def restart_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run restart command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"

    if self.verbose:
      print("Restarting OS/8 at line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")

    return "success"

  #### patch_command ##############################################
  # Read the named patch file and perform its actions.

  def patch_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run patch command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"
    path = self.path_expand(line)
    if path == None:
      print("Ignoring: \n\t" + "patch " + line)
      return "fail"
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ": Patch file: " + path + " not found.")
      return "fail"

    self.run_patch_file (path, line, script_file)
    return "success"

  #### exit_command ###############################################
  # Make a graceful exit:
  #    Remove scratch files.
  #    Detach all devices from running image.
  #    Quit SIMH.
  #    Parse an exit status value from line. Default to 0.
  #    Call POSIX exit to exit the running program,
  def exit_command (self, line, script_file):
    m = re.match (_exit_arg_re, line)
    if m != None:
      if != None:
         status = int(
      elif != None:
         status = int(
        status = 0
    for filename in self.scratch_list:
      if self.verbose: print("Deleting scratch_copy: " + filename)

    self.simh.simh_cmd ("detach all")

    if self.verbose:
      print("Calling sys.exit (" +  str(status) + ") at line: " + \
            str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")

  #### print_command ###############################################
  # Print text from the running script
  # If verbose is set, say what line in the script containing
  # the print command.

  def print_command (self, line, script_file):
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line: " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
    return "success"

  #### _command ###########################################

  def _command (self, line, script_file):
    return "success"

  #### run_script_file ############################################
  # Run os8 command script file
  # Call parsers as needed for supported sub commands.
  # Commands:
  # mount <simh-dev> <image-file> [<option> ...]
  #       option: required | preserve | readonly | ro | scratch
  # umount <simh-dev>
  # boot <simh-dev>
  # os8 <command-line>
  #       the rest of the line is passed verbatim to OS/8
  # pal8 <pal-command line>
  # include <script-file>
  # configure <device> <parameter>
  #       device: tti | tape | rx
  #       tt parameter: KSR | 7b
  #       tape parameter: td | dt
  #       rx parameter: rx8e | rx28 | rx01 | rx02
  # enable <parameter>
  # disable <parameter>
  # cpto <posix-file> [<os8-file>] [<format>]
  # cpfrom <os8-file> <posix-file> [<format>]
  #       format: /A | /I | /B
  # copy <from-file> <to-file>
  # patch <patch-file>
  # resume
  # restart
  # begin <sub-command> <os8-path>
  # end <sub-command>
  # print <output text>
  # exit <status>

  # Sub-commands:
  # build, fotp, absldr
  # Commands return, "success", "fail", or "die".

  def run_script_file (self, script_path):
      script_file = open(script_path, "r")
    except IOError:
      print(script_path + " not found.")
      return "fail"
    return self.run_script_handle(script_file, script_path)
  def run_script_handle (self, script_file, script_path):
  # Strings, regexps, and command arrays used by run_system
    commands = {"mount": self.mount_command,
                "boot": self.boot_command,
                "os8": self.os8_command,
                "ocomp": self.ocomp_command,
                "pal8": self.pal8_command,
                "include": self.include_command,
                "begin": self.begin_command,
                "end": self.end_command,
                "exit": self.exit_command,
                "print": self.print_command,
                "umount": self.umount_command,
                "simh": self.simh_command,
                "configure": self.configure_command,
                "enable": self.enable_option_command,
                "disable": self.disable_option_command,
                "cpto": self.cpto_command,
                "cpfrom": self.cpfrom_command,
                "copy": self.copy_command,
                "resume": self.resume_command,
                "restart": self.restart_command,
                "patch": self.patch_command}
    # Every time we start a new script
    # We append a new line number count of 0
    # onto our line_ct_stack
    self.line_ct_stack.insert(0, 0)
    if self.debug:
      print("New line_ct_stack: " + str(self.line_ct_stack))
    for line in script_file:
      line = self.basic_line_parse (line, script_file)
      if line == None: continue
      m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
      if m == None:
        print("Ignoring command line at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
      if not in commands:
        print("Unrecognized script command at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " +
      # print("arg: " +
      if == None: rest = ""
      else: rest =
      retval = commands[](rest, script_file)
      if retval == "die":
        print("\nFatal error encountered in " + script_path + \
          " at line " +  str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ":")
        print("\t" + line)
      elif retval == "fail":
        print("Non-fatal error encountered in " + script_path + \
          " at line " +  str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ":")
        print("\t" + line + "\n")

    # Done.  Pop the line count off our line_ct_stack
    if self.debug:
      print("popped line_ct_stack: " + str(self.line_ct_stack))
    return "success"

  #### end_command #####################################################
  def end_command (self, line, script_file):
    print("Unexpectedly encountered end command at line " + \
      str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
    return "fail"

  #### parse_odt #######################################################
  def parse_odt (self, line):
    if self.debug: print(line)
    if line == "\\c": return "break"
    match = _odt_parse.match(line)
    if match == None:
      print("Aborting because of bad ODT line: " + line)
      self.simh.os8_ctrl_c (caller="parse_odt")
      return "err"
    loc =
    old_val =
    new_val =
    expect_val_str = r"\s*[0-7]{4} "
    if self.debug:
      print("Loc: " + loc + ", old_val: " + old_val + ", new_val: " + \
    self.simh.os8_send_str (loc + "/")
    if old_val.isdigit():          # We need to check old value
      found_val = self.simh.child_after().strip()
      if found_val != old_val:
        print("\tOld value: " + found_val + " does not match " +
            old_val + ". Aborting patch.")
        # Abort out of ODT back to the OS/8 Monitor
        self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("parse_odt 2")
        return "err"
    self.simh.os8_send_line (new_val)
    return "cont"

  #### futil_exit ########################################################
  def futil_exit (self, line):
    return "break"

  #### futil_file ########################################################
  def futil_file (self, line):
    # Redundant re-parse of line but nobody else wants args right now.
    match = _com_split_parse.match(line)
    if match == None:
      print("Aborting because of mal-formed FUTIL FILE command: " + line)
      self.simh.os8_ctrl_c (caller="futil_file")
      return "err"
    fname =
    expect_futil_file_str = "\n" + fname + r"\s+(?!" + fname  + r")?(\S+)(.*)$"
    self.simh.os8_send_line (line)
    result = self.simh.child_after().strip()
    match = _com_split_parse.match(result)
    if match == None:
      print("Aborting because unexpected return status: " + result + \
          " from: " + line)
      self.simh.os8_ctrl_c (caller="futil_file 2")
      return "err"
    if == "LOOKUP FAILED":
      print("Aborting because of FUTIL lookup failure on: " + fname)
      self.simh.os8_ctrl_c (caller="futil_file 3")
      return "err"
      return "cont"
  #### parse_futil #####################################################
  # Very simple minded:
  # If first char on line is an alpha, run the command.
  # If the first char on line is number, do the substitute command.
  # Substitute command acts like ODT.
  # Future version should support the IF construct.
  # When we encounter the EXIT command, we return success.
  def parse_futil (self, line):
    futil_specials = {
      "EXIT": self.futil_exit,
      "FILE": self.futil_file
    if line[0].isdigit():
      # Treat the line as ODT
      return self.parse_odt(line)
      match = _com_split_parse.match(line)
      if match == None:
        print("Ignoring failed FUTIL command parse of: " + line)
        return "cont"
      fcom =
      rest =
      if fcom not in futil_specials:
        # Blind faith and no error checking.
        return "cont"
        return futil_specials[fcom](line)

  #### run_patch_file ##################################################
  def run_patch_file (self, pathname, line, script_file):
    sys.stdout.write ("Applying patch " + os.path.basename (pathname) + "...")
    sys.stdout.flush ()

      patch_file = open(pathname, "r")
    except IOError:
      print(pathname + " not found. Skipping.")
      return "fail"
    # Supported parsers.
    # Note tht FUTIL has not been tested since we flipped the expect order.
    parsers = {
      "ODT": self.parse_odt,
      "FUTIL": self.parse_futil

    # What prompt do we want when we run an allowed command?
    # If there is none, we don't wait.  But if we want one,
    # We BETTER wait for it.  A race condition has been observed
    # where, if we don't wait for SAVE, it might not happen.
    allowed_commands = ["ODT", "R", "GET", "GE",  "SAVE", "SA"]
    inside_a_command = False
    the_command = ""
    the_command_parser = None
    # Any os8-run command may be called after a simh command that left us
    # in simh context. Check to see if we need to restart OS/8.
    # We resume OS/8. It should be non-disruptive and work well.
    if self.simh._context == "simh":
      self.resume_command(line, script_file)

    for line in patch_file:
      line = line.rstrip()
      if line == "": continue
      elif line[0] == '#': continue     # Ignore Comments
      elif inside_a_command:
        retval = the_command_parser (line)
        if retval == "break":
          inside_a_command = False
          self.simh.os8_ctrl_c (caller="run_patch_file")
        elif retval == "err":
          return "fail"
      elif line[0] == '.':        # New OS/8 Command
        match = _com_os8_parse.match(line)
        if match == None:
          print("Aborting patch on failed OS/8 command parse of: " + line)
          return "fail"
        com =
        rest =
        if com not in allowed_commands:
          print ("Command " + com + " not allowed in patch. Ignoring.")
        # Fall through to start up our command.
        # Maybe command is ".ODT", maybe it's "R FUTIL"
        if com == "R":
          # Check to see if we can run this.
          if rest not in parsers:
            print ("Not allowed to run " + rest + " in a patch file.  Aborting.")
            return "fail"
          com = rest     # Now fall through an set the_command
        the_command = com
        # Noisy debug output. Our line.
        if self.verbose and self.debug: print(line)

        # Are we going to be inside a command after we do the run?
        if com in parsers:
          the_command_parser = parsers[com]
          inside_a_command = True
          # Run the line blind, skipping over the dot at the beginning.
          # We won't get a prompt.
          self.simh.os8_send_line (line[1:])
        # It's an OS/8 command
          # We must test for monitor prompt to signify success.
          # Otherwise a race condition has been shown to prevent save of
          # patched binary because our exit of SIMH happens too quickly!
          reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (line[1:])  # Skip over Prompt in line.
          # We need to confirm we succeeded.
          # If we fail, we just complain and keep going.
          self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Monitor Prompt", "run_patch_file command " \
                                      + line[1:])
    # Done with all patch file lines.
    return "success"

  #### skip_patch ######################################################
  # Returns true if the given filename matches one of the regex string
  # keys of the given skips dict and the flag value for that key is set.
  # See skips definition in make_patch, which calls this.
  def skip_patch (fn, skips):
      for p in skips:
          if (p, fn) and skips[p]: return True
      return False

  #### simh_command ####################################################
  # I tried to avoid including this command but sometimes you just
  # have to reconfigure subtle bits of device drivers.
  # We assume we can call a simh command at any time, but
  # doing so puts us in the simh context that persists until we
  # issue a boot or go command.
  def simh_command (self, line, script_file):
    print("simh command is disabled. Line " + \
      str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + " ignored.")
    return "fail"
    if self.verbose: print(line)
    reply = self.simh.simh_cmd(line)
    self.simh.simh_test_result(reply, "Prompt", "simh_command")
    return "success"

  #### umount_command ##################################################
  def umount_command (self, line, script_file):
    detach_comm = "det " + line
    if self.verbose: print("line: " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + detach_comm)
    reply = self.simh.simh_cmd(detach_comm, debug=self.debug)
    self.simh.simh_test_result(reply, "Prompt", "umount_command")
    return "success"

  #### make_scratch ####################################################
  # Create a copy of the contents of image file using the python
  # method to create a secure, named temp filename.
  # The caller has split the image file name into a base path,
  # and an extension which we use.
  # After copying the source image, the file is closed and the name
  # of the scratch file is returned.
  def make_scratch (self, base_imagename, extension):
      src_image = open(base_imagename+extension, "rb")
    except IOError:
      print("Open of imagefile " + base_imagename + extension + " failed.")
      return None
    dest_image = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', \
                                             prefix=base_imagename+'-temp-', \
                                             suffix=extension, \
    destname =
    if self.debug: print("Temp file name is: " + destname)

      shutil.copyfileobj(src_image, dest_image)
    except shutil.Error as e:
      print("Copy of imagefile " + base_imagename + extension + \
        " to scratch failed with error: " + str(e))
      return None
    except IOError as e:
      print("Copy of imagefile " + base_imagename + extension + \
          ", failed with IOError: " + str(e))
      return None
    return destname

  #### mount_command ###################################################
  # mount <simh-device> <image-file> [option ...]
  # Interface to SIMH attach command with options that do a bit more.
  # Options:
  # required: <image-file> is required to exist, otherwise abort the script.
  # preserve if <image-file> already exists, create a copy with a
  #    version number suffix. This is useful when you want to prevent
  #    overwrites of a good image file with changes that might not work.
  #    os8-run preserves all versions seen and creates a new
  #    version that doesn't overwrite any of the previous ones.
  # readonly:  Passes the `-r` option to SIMH attach to mount the
  #    device in read only mode.
  # ro: abbreviation for  readonly.
  # scratch: Create a writeable scratch copy of the named image
  #    file and mount it.  This is helpful when you are booting a
  #    distribution DECtape.  Booted DECtape images must be writeable.
  #    To protect a distribution DECtape, use this option.
  #    When all script runs are done, the scratch version is deleted.
  # new: If there is an existing file, move it aside as a .save because
  #    we want to create a new empty image file.
  # If the mount command fails for any reason, we presume
  # it is a fatal error and abort the script.
  def mount_command (self, line, script_file):
    m = re.match(_mount_re, line)
    if m == None:
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ", could not parse mount.  Ignoring: {" + line + "}.")
      return "die"
    simh_dev =
    unit =
    rest =
    parts = rest.split()
    if len(parts) == 0:
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        ": No image name specified in: {" + line + "}")
      return "die"
    ro_arg = ""
    imagename = self.path_expand(parts[0])
    if imagename == None: return "die"
    dot = imagename.rindex(".")
    base_imagename = imagename[:dot]
    extension = imagename[dot:]
    copy_imagename = ""
    # Case of additional arguments.
    if len (parts) > 1:
      # Perform must_exist before scratch
      if "new" in parts[1:]:
      if "must_exist" in parts[1:] or "required" in parts[1:]:
          if not os.path.exists(imagename):
            print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ", " + \
                imagename + " must exist but was not found. Not mounting.")
            return "die"
      if "scratch" in parts[1:]:
        copy_imagename = self.make_scratch(base_imagename, extension)
        if copy_imagename == None: return "die"
        imagename = copy_imagename
      if "readonly" in parts[1:] or "ro" in parts[1:]:
        if copy_imagename != "":
          print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
            ": You don't really need to set readonly on a scratch copy.")
        ro_arg = "-r "
      if "no_overwrite" in parts[1:] or "preserve" in parts[1:]:
        if copy_imagename != "":
          print("Ignoring preserve option at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
              " because scratch option is present.")
          next_tape = 0
          while os.path.isfile(imagename):
            print("Found: " + imagename)
            next_tape += 1
            imagename =  base_imagename + "-" + str(next_tape) + extension
    if unit == None or unit == "":
      print("Need unit number for: " + line)
      return "die"
    if simh_dev not in _os8_from_simh_dev:
      print("At line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
          ": Unrecognized simh dev: " + simh_dev)
      return "die"
    os8dev = _os8_from_simh_dev[simh_dev]
    attach_comm = "att " + ro_arg + simh_dev + unit + " " + imagename
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": mount: " + \
    reply = self.simh.simh_cmd(attach_comm)
    self.simh.simh_test_result(reply, "Prompt", "mount_command")
    return "success"

  #### boot_command ####################################################
  # Check to see if the device to be booted has something attached.
  # If not die.
  # If so, boot it, and set our booted state to True.
  def boot_command (self, line, script_file):
    # First confirm something is attached to boot from.
    ucname = line.upper()
    boot_replies = [ucname + r"\s+(.+)\r", "Non-existent device"]
    self.simh.simh_send_line("show " + line)
    retval = self.simh._child.expect(boot_replies)
    if retval == 1:
      print("Attempt to boot non-existent device: " + line)
      return "die"
    reply_str = self.simh.child_after()
    m = re.match(r"^(\S+)\s+(\S+),\s+(attached to |not attached)(\S+)?,\s+(.+)\r",
    if m == None:
      print("Could not determine if device " + line + " is attached; " +
          "got '" + reply_str + "'")
      return "die"

    # Caution match group we want ends with a space.
    if != "attached to ":
      print("Attempt to boot on non-attached device: " + line)
      return "die"
    boot_comm = "boot " + line
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + boot_comm)
    reply = self.simh.simh_cmd(boot_comm, self.simh._os8_replies_rex)
    # We're in OS/8 now use that tester.
    self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Monitor Prompt", "boot_command")
    self.booted = True
    return "success"

  #### check_and_run ##################################################
  # Common routine to check that we are bootable, in the right context
  # are able to run a command under OS/8, and that we successfully run it.
  # caller is the name we give out as our caller.
  # Return -1 if we are not booted and the command needs to die.
  # otherwise return the reply to the command.
  # We generically support reporting out if transcript is enabled.

  def check_and_run (self, caller, os8_comm, script_file, replies=None):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot run " + caller  + " command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return -1

    if self.verbose: print("Line: " + \
       str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + caller + "_command: " + os8_comm)

    # Any os8-run command may be called after a simh command that left us
    # in simh context. Check to see if we need to restart OS/8.
    # We could resume, but restart is safer.
    if self.simh._context == "simh":
      self.restart_command(os8_comm, script_file)

    reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (os8_comm, replies, debug=self.debug)
    if "transcript" in self.options_enabled:
      print (self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())
    return reply
  #### os8_command #####################################################
  def os8_command (self, line, script_file):
    reply = self.check_and_run("os8", line, script_file)
    if reply == -1: return "die"

    # We expect that the command will exit to the OS/8 monitor when done.
    # What if it doesn't?
    # We want to print errors
    mon = self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Monitor Prompt", "")
    if mon: return "success"
    cd  = self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "")
    retval = "fail"
    if cd:
      # OS/8 command returned to command decoder.  We escape.
      mon = self.simh.os8_escape ("")
      if mon == False:
        print ("os8_command: Escape from command decoder failed. Trying ^C.")
        mon = self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("")
        if mon == False:
          print ("^C failed to return to monitor. Killing script.")
          return "die"
    print ("os8_command Error: \n\t" + line)
    print ("\t" + self.simh.child_after().strip())
    # If this was not a fatal error, we need to ^C to get back to Monitor.
    # But sometimes OS/8 is not yet ready for ^C, so we wait half a second.
    if self.simh._os8_replies[reply][2] == False:
      time.sleep (.5)
      print ("Sending ^C to return to monitor.")
      escape = self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("", debug=self.debug)
      if escape: return "fail"
        print ("^C failed to return to monitor. Killing script.")
        return "die"
      # Got fatal error. Expect monitor prompt so state machine is in the right place.
      mon = self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor("")
      if mon: return "fail"
        print ("os8_command: Failed to return to monitor after fatal error. Killin script.")
        return "die"

  #### pal8_command ####################################################
  # The "pal8" script command comes in two forms:
  # The two argument form where the PAL8 status is printed on the fly
  # and the 3 argument form where all status goes into the listing file.
  # We do the 3 argument form with a simple "os8" script command.
  def pal8_command (self, line, script_file):
    if self.verbose: print("Running PAL8 on: " + line)
    reply = self.check_and_run("pal8", "R PAL8", script_file)
    if reply == -1: return "die"

    if self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "call_pal8") == False:
      print("PAL8 failed to start at line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]))
      return "fail"

    if self.verbose: print("Line: " + \
       str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": pal8_command: " + line)

    # Send our command line args and harvest results.
    reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (line, self.replies_rex["pal8"])

    err_count = 0
    executed_line = self.simh._child.before.decode().strip()
    mon = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Monitor Prompt", self.replies["pal8"], "")
    err_string = ""
    ret_val = "success"
    expect_loop = 1

    # We're going to print all the errors we see
    # and keep looking till we get either a monitor or command decoder prompt.
    while not mon:
      if self.debug: print ("Got reply [" + str(expect_loop) +"] " + str(reply) + " -> " + \
               self.replies["pal8"] [reply][0])

      ed  = self.simh.test_result(reply, "ERRORS DETECTED", self.replies["pal8"], "")
      cd  = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", self.replies["pal8"], "")
      lg  = self.simh.test_result(reply, "LINKS GENERATED", self.replies["pal8"], "")
      if ed:   # Got Errors Detected. Count them.
        err_count = int(self.simh.child_after().strip())
      elif lg: 
        link_count = int(self.simh.child_after().strip())
      elif cd: # Got Command Decoder. Exit with failure.
        if self.debug: print ("call_pal8: Non-fatal error: Sending ^C")
        # Exit pal8. We'll confirm we got back to OS/8 monitor below.
        self.simh.os8_send_ctrl ('c')      
        err_string += ("\t" + self.simh.child_after().strip() + "\n")
      expect_loop += 1
      reply = self.simh._child.expect(self.replies_rex["pal8"])
      mon = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Monitor Prompt", self.replies["pal8"], "")
    if err_count > 0 or err_string != "":
      print ("PAL8 Error: \n\t" + executed_line)
      print (err_string)
      return "fail"
    return "success"

  #### ocomp_command ###################################################
  # This command will be used to compare files in 2 places and
  # Return success if they are the same, and return failure if
  # one or the other is missing, or if they are different.
  # This requires making an interpretation of the output that is
  # different from the expected "octal dump of differences" use case.
  # "NOTHING OUTPUT" means success.
  # Any "USER ERROR" output means failure.

  def ocomp_command (self, line, script_file):
    if self.verbose: print("Running OCOMP on: " + line)
    reply = self.check_and_run("ocomp", "R OCOMP", script_file)
    if reply == -1: return "die"

    if self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "call_ocomp") == False:
      print("OCOMP failed to start at line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]))
      return "fail"

    if self.verbose: print("Line: " + \
       str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": ocomp_command: " + line)

    # Send our command and harvest results.
    reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (line, self.replies_rex["ocomp"])
    if "transcript" in self.options_enabled:
      print (self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())

    ret_val = "fail"
    expect_loop = 1

    mon = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Monitor Prompt", self.replies["ocomp"], "")
    # We get return status and then clean up the state machine.
    while not mon:
      if self.debug:
        print ("ocomp gave reply: [" + str(expect_loop) +"] " + str(reply) + " -> " + \
      ok = self.simh.test_result(reply, "NOTHING OUTPUT", self.replies["ocomp"], "")
      cd  = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", self.replies["ocomp"], "")
      nf = self.simh.test_result(reply, "File not found", self.replies["ocomp"], "")
      ue = self.simh.test_result(reply, "USER ERROR", self.replies["ocomp"], "")

      if ok:
        if self.debug: print ("Success")
        ret_val = "success"
      elif nf or ue:
        print ("OCOMP:" + self.simh.child_after().strip() + "\n")
      elif cd: # Got Command Decoder. Exit with failure.
        if self.debug: print ("call_ocomp: Non-fatal error: Sending ^C")
        # Exit OCOMP. We'll confirm we got back to OS/8 monitor below.
        self.simh.os8_send_ctrl ('c')      

      reply = self.simh._child.expect(self.replies_rex["ocomp"])

      if "transcript" in self.options_enabled:
        print (self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())

      expect_loop += 1

      mon = self.simh.test_result(reply, "Monitor Prompt", self.replies["ocomp"], "")

    return ret_val

  #### begin_command ###################################################
  def begin_command (self, line, script_file):
    if not self.booted:
      print("Cannot execute begin subcommand block at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ". OS/8 has not been booted.")
      return "die"

    sub_commands = {"build": self.build_subcomm,
                    "cdprog": self.cdprog_subcomm}
    m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
    if m == None:
      print("Could not parse sub-command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
    if not in sub_commands:
      print("Ignoring unrecognized sub-command at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " +
      print("Ignoring everything to next end.")
      self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(line, script_file, "")
      return "fail"
      # Any os8-run command may be called after a simh command that left us
      # in simh context. Check to see if we need to restart OS/8.
      # We could resume, but restart is safer.
      if self.simh._context == "simh":
        self.restart_command(line, script_file)

      return sub_commands[](, script_file)
  #### build_subcomm ###################################################
  # Run system BUILD command.
  # Use RU not R because we will save it.
  # Allow specifying WHICH version of build on the command line.
  def build_subcomm (self, old_line, script_file):
    os8_comm = "RU " + old_line
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + os8_comm)

    # Run BUILD and confirm it has started successfully.
    reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (os8_comm, self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)
    if self.simh.test_result (reply, "BUILD Prompt", self.replies["build"], \
                              "build_subcomm startup " + os8_comm, debug=self.debug) == False:
      print ("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + os8_comm + " failed.")
      print ("Ignoring the rest of this block.")
      self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, "build")
      # Confirm we're back to monitor command level.
      self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor ("build_subcomm 1")
      return "fail"

    # Submit the lines from script file to BUILD sub-command.
    for line in script_file:
      line = self.basic_line_parse(line, script_file)
      if line == None: continue
      m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
      if m == None:
        print("Ignoring mal-formed build sub-command at line " + \
          str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + line)
      build_sub =
      rest =
      if rest == None: rest = ""
      if self.debug: print ("build_sub: " + build_sub)
      if build_sub not in _build_comm_regs:
        print("Unrecognized BUILD command at line " + \
            str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + build_sub)

      # Handle the exit from BUILD when we hit an "end" statement.
      if build_sub == "end":
        if rest == "":
          print("Warning! end statement encountered inside build with no argument at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".\nExiting build.")
          # Exit BUILD. Note! Unlike many commands build does NOT echo "^C!"
          self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("build_subcomm end with no argument")
          return "fail"
        elif rest != "build": 
          print("Warning! Mismatched begin/end blocks in BUILD at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".\nEncountered end: {" + \
              rest + "}. Exiting BUILD.")
          # Exit BUILD. Note! Unlike many commands build does NOT echo "^C!"
          self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("build_subcomm mismatched begin/end")
          return "fail"
        # We're done.  Print any desired verbose or debug status
        # then ^C to exit and confirm we're at monitor level.
        if self.verbose:
          print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": end BUILD")
        if self.debug:
          print("before: " + self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())
          print("after: " + self.simh.child_after().strip())
        # Return to monitor.
        # Note! Unlike many commands build does NOT echo "^C!"
        self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("build_subcomm end with no argument.")
        return "success"
      # Now perform sub-commands within BUILD. They have a discernable format.
      build_re = _build_comm_regs[build_sub]
      if build_re != None:
        m2 = re.match(build_re, rest)
        if m2 == None:
          print("Ignoring mal-formed BUILD at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + build_sub + \
              " command: " + rest)
        if build_sub == "BUILD":
          if == None or == "":
            print("Missing source of OS8.BN. Ignoring BUILD command at line " + \
                str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
          else: kbm_arg =

          if == None or == "":
            print("Missing sorce of CD.BN. Ignoring BUILD command at line " + \
                str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
          else: cd_arg =
          if self.verbose:
            print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
                 ": BUILD KBM: " + kbm_arg + ", CD: " + cd_arg)

          # Confirm prompted for OS8 binary.
          reply = self.simh.os8_cmd ("BUILD", self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)
          if self.simh.test_result(reply, "LOAD OS8", self.replies["build"], "build_subcomm 5") == False:
            print("No prompt for LOAD OS/8 in BUILD command within BUILD at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
            print("Fatal error. Aborting script.")
            return "die"

          # Send it and confirm prompted for CD binary.
          reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (kbm_arg, self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)
          if self.simh.test_result(reply, "LOAD CD", self.replies["build"], "build_subcomm 6") == False:
            print("No prompt for LOAD CD in BUILD command within BUILD at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
            print("Fatal error. Aborting script.")
            return "die"
          # Send it and confirm we're back in BUILD command mode.
          reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (cd_arg, self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)
          if self.simh.test_result(reply, "BUILD Prompt", self.replies["build"], "build_subcomm 7") == False:
            print ("BUILD command within build failed.  Aborting script.")
            return "die"
          if self.debug:
            print("Resume BUILD.SV command loop.")

      # Normal case: commands within BUILD.
      comm = build_sub + " " + rest
      if self.verbose:
        print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": BUILD-> " + comm)
      reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (comm, self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)

      # Special case "BOOT" sub-command: May ask, "WRITE ZERO DIRECT?"
      # Will give a monitor prompt when done.
      if build_sub == "BOOT":
        if self.simh.test_result(reply, "WRITE ZERO DIRECT?", self.replies["build"], \
                                 "", debug=self.debug):
          if self.debug:
            print("Got, \"WRITE ZERO DIRECT?\". Sending \"Y\".")
          reply = self.simh.os8_cmd("Y", self.replies_rex["build"], debug=self.debug)

        if self.simh.test_result(reply, "SYS BUILT", self.replies["build"], "", debug=self.debug):
          # Successful boot.  We're now at monitor level.
          # Simplest to ignore anything else in the script up to "end build"
          # Return success or failure based on finding that monitor prompt.
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, "build")
          if self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor ("build_subcomm 8"):
            return "success"
            return "fail"

      # At this point we either have a BUILD prompt or an error message.
      # If it's not the BUILD prompt, we print an error.
      # If the error is fatal, ignore rest of build block,
      # exit back to OS/8 if necessary and return fail.
      # If it's not fatal, continue running BUILD.
      if self.simh.test_result(reply, "BUILD Prompt", self.replies["build"], \
                               "build_subcomm 9", debug=self.debug) == False:
        print("BUILD error at line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
          " with command " + self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())
        if self.replies["build"][reply][2] == True:
          print ("Fatal error.  Ignoring rest of this block.")
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, "build")
          # Confirm we're back at the monitor as expected.
          self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor ("build_subcomm 10")
          return "fail"
        # To continue, we need to ask pexpect to get that BUILD prompt before
        # resuming after an error. Ignore everything until we get it.
    print("Warning end of file encountered with no end of BUILD command block at line " + \
      str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
    return "fail"

  #### cdprog_subcomm ##################################################
  # Cycle through OS/8 command decoder with the command specified
  # in the argument.
  def cdprog_subcomm (self, old_line, script_file):
    os8_comm = "RU " + old_line
    end_str = "cdprog " + old_line
    if self.verbose:
      print("Line: " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": " + os8_comm)

    reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (os8_comm, debug=self.debug)
    if self.simh.os8_test_result (reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "cdprog: " + \
                                  os8_comm, debug=self.debug) == False:
      print (" failed at Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]))
      print ("Ignoring the rest of this block.")
      self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, end_str)
      # Confirm we're back to monitor command level.
      self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor ("cdprog OS/8 restart after failed RU command")
      return "fail"

    # Submit the lines from script file to the running command.
    # Track whether we return to the Comnand Decoder for more or exit.
    # Track whether we need to exit and ignore the rest of the block.
    for line in script_file:
      line = self.basic_line_parse(line, script_file)
      if line == None: continue
      # Test for special case, "end" and act on it if present.
      m = re.match(_comm_re, line)
      if m != None and != None and != "" and  == "end":
        rest =
        retval = "fail"  # Return fail unless proven successful.
        if rest == None or rest == "":
          print("Warning! end statement encountered inside cdprog " + \
              "with no argument at line " + \
              str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
          print("Expecting: {" + end_str + "}.")
        elif rest != end_str:
          print("Warning! Mismatched begin/end blocks in cdprog at line " + \
            str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".\n")
          print("Expecting: {" + end_str + "}. Got: {" + rest + "}.\n")
          retval = "success"
          if self.verbose:
            print("Line " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": end " + end_str)
        if retval == "fail":
          print("Exiting cdprog, possibly earlier than expected at line " + \
            str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ".")
        # Return to Monitor
        reply = self.simh.os8_escape (caller="Sending escape failed. Trying ^c")
        self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("cdprog: ^c failed. State machine will be confused.")
        return retval
      # We could do some basic OS/8 command decoder synax checking here.
      if self.verbose:
        print("Line: " + str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + ": * " + line)
      reply = self.simh.os8_cmd (line)
      if self.debug:
        print ("cdprog sent line. Got reply: " + str(reply) + " -> " + \
               self.simh._os8_replies [reply][0])

      # Transcribe our output if desired.
      if "transcript" in self.options_enabled:
        print (self.simh._child.before.decode().strip())

      mon = self.simh.os8_test_result(reply, "Monitor Prompt", "")
      cd  = self.simh.os8_test_result(reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "")
      if mon:
        # Case of command running to completion and returning to OS/8
        # Clean up the parse to the end of the block and return success.
        self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, end_str)
        return "success"
      elif not cd:
        # We didn't return to command decoder.  That means we have an error.
        # Test the fatal bit in the error structure.
        # IF True: we returned to OS/8. Say we're ignoring the block and return failure.
        # Otherwise we should continue.
        if self.simh._os8_replies[reply][2] == True:
          print ("Fatal error. Ignoring rest of this block.")
          self.ignore_to_subcomm_end(os8_comm, script_file, end_str)
          # Print error message.
          self.simh.os8_test_result(reply, "Command Decoder Prompt", "cdprog failure")
          # Confirm we're back at Monitor
          self.simh.os8_cfm_monitor ("cdprog error handler return to monitor fail")
          return "fail"
          print ("Non-fatal error encountered with: " + line)
          print ("\t" + self.simh._os8_replies[reply][0])
          # To continue, we need to ask pexpect to get that Command Decoder
          # prompt before resuming after an error. Ignore everything until we get it.
    print("Warning end of file encountered at line " + \
        str(self.line_ct_stack[0]) + \
        " with no end of cdprog command block.")
    # Exit command back to OS/8 monitor.
    mon = self.simh.os8_escape ("")
    if mon: return "fail"
      print ("cdprog: Escape from Command Decoder failed. Sending ^c")
      mon = self.simh.os8_ctrl_c ("")
      if mon: return "fail"
        print ("Failed to get to monitor with ^c. Killing script.")
        return "die"

  #### check_exists ####################################################
  # Check existence of all files needed
  def check_exists (s, image_copyins):
    for copyin in image_copyins:
      image = copyin[1]
      image_path = dirs.os8mi + image
      if (not os.path.isfile(image_path)):
          print("Required file: " + image_path + " not found.")
          return "die"
      # else: print("Found " + image_path)