PiDP-8/I Software

A Minimal Implementation of C for the DEC PDP-8 Processor
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The C language and its derivatives are now the industry standard for the development of operating systems and utilities. The language has evolved significantly since its initial specification in 1972. At this time, the PDP-7 was used for the initial implementation and the compiler ported to a number of other systems including the PDP-11. Also, the first glimmerings of Unix appeared following a re-write of the assembly language version in C and the rest is of course history. The PDP-8 was introduced by DEC in 1965 at the same time as the PDP-7 with the intention of being a small and cheap processor that could be used in a variety of environments. From this simple machine, the modern desktop device has evolved which I am using to type this document. Nonetheless, far from fading into obscurity, there is a very active group of enthusiasts who have looked to implementing the PDP-8 on modern hardware and the thanks to Oscar Vermuelen and others, we can all have a PDP8/I to play with. With this in mind, I thought it was time to have a modern language compiler running on the PDP-8 which as far as I can tell, the last native compiler developed for the PDP-8 was Pascal in 1979 by Heinz Stegbauer. In more recent times, one cross-compiler has been developed by Vince Slyngstad and updated by Paolo Maffei based on Ron Cain’s Small-C using a VM approach. This code is most certainly worth examining, and I am delighted to acknowledge this work as I have used some of the C library code in this project.

Finally, I would refer the reader to Fabrice Bellard’s OTCC. It is this bit of remarkable software that suggested that there may be a chance to implement a native PDP-8 compiler.

Developing a native compiler for the PDP-8 is not an easy task as this processor has a very limited address space and no hardware stack. And, although the option exists to write the whole thing in assembly language as has been the case for Pascal and Algol, this project has explored the option of writing the compiler itself in C. To this end, 2 compilers have been written. Firstly, a cross-compiler based again on Ron Cain’s Small-C which is used to compile the native OS/8 compiler and library. As yet, the native compiler has rather limited functionality and will not compile itself. The cross-compiler will compile itself but produces an enormous (28K) assembler file which cannot be run on the PDP-8.

The Cross-Compiler

The code for this is in the cross subdirectory, and is built along with the top-level PiDP-8/I software. When installed, it is in your PATH as cc8.

The CC8 cross-compiler is based upon Ron Cain’s famous Small-C compiler. The reader is directed to the extensive documentation available on the web.

The key file is the PDP-8 code generator in code8.c which emits SABR — Symbolic Assembler for Binary Relocatable programmes — assembly code. SABR is normally used as the second pass of the OS/8 FORTRAN II system.

When you use the cross-compiler on a POSIX type system such as the Raspbian PiDP-8/I environment, the resulting *.sb files will have LF-only line endings, but OS/8 expects CR+LF line endings. The txt2ptp utility program included with the PiDP-8/I distribution will automatically do that conversion for you when making a SIMH paper tape image file, which you can then read into the OS/8 environment.

The cross-compiler has some non-standard features to enable the interface between the main programme and the C library. This constitutes a compile time linkage system to allow for standard and vararg functions to be called in the library.

Several of the C programs in this distribution #include <init.h> which inserts an assembly language initialization routine into the program at that point using the #asm inline assembly feature. This file is symlinked into each directory that has a *.c file needing it since CC8 doesn't have an include path feature, and it must be in the current directory in any case when using the OS/8 version of CC8.

The init.h initialization routine defines some low-level subroutines, initializes the environment for the programs, and calls into the LIBC initialization code. This file was copied to the OS/8 boot disk as DSK:INIT.H unless you gave --disable-os8-cc8 when configuring the PiDP-8/I software.

The file include/libc.h is likewise copied to DSK:LIBC.H. It defines the mappings between the familiar C library routine names and their underlying implementation names.

The linking loader determines the core layout for the built programs. Most commonly, it uses this scheme:

Field 0: FOTRAN library utility functions and OS/8 I/O system

Field 1: The programme’s runtime stack/globals/literals

Field 2: The programme's executable code

Field 3: The LIBC library code

Since this memory layout applies to the phases of the CC8 compiler as well, this means that each phase uses approximately 16 kWords of core.

The Native Compiler

This compiler is supplied in both source and binary forms as part of the PiDP-8/I software distribution.

We ship pre-built binaries to avoid a chicken-and-egg problem: the binaries require a working OS/8 environment to be built, but when the PiDP-8/I build system goes to build the bootable OS/8 media, it expects to have the OS/8 CC8 binaries at hand so it can copy them to the RK05 disk it is building. It's trivial to deal with that on our development systems, since we normally have a working os8v3d-*.rk05 disk set from the previous build sitting around to bootstrap the process, so we break the cycle at that point rather than do a two-stage RK05 bootstrap build on end-user systems.

These pre-built binaries are saved as media/os8/subsys/cc8.tu56 by the tools/cc8-tu56-update script. Basically, that script uses the cross-compiler to produce SABR assembly files for each stage of the OS/8 CC8 compiler, which it then copies into the OS/8 environment, then it assembles, links, and saves the result as CC*.SV:

  1. c8.cc8.sbCC.SV: The compiler driver: accepts the input file name from the user, and calls the first proper compiler stage, CC1. Should we add a preprocessor feature, this driver will call it before calling CC1.

  2. n8.cn8.sbCC1.SV: The parser/tokeniser section of the compiler.

  3. p8.cp8.sbCC2.SV: The token to SABR code converter section of the compiler.

  4. libc.clibc.sbLIBC.RL: The C library linked to any program built with CC8, including the stages above, but also to your own programs.

If you are not changing the OS/8 CC8 source code, you needn't run the cc8-tu56-update script or build the OS/8 version of CC8 by hand.

The PiDP-8/I build system's OS/8 RK05 media build script copies those files and the other files required for building C programs under OS/8 to the appropriate OS/8 volumes: CC*.SV on SYS:, and everything else on DSK:.

Input programs should go on DSK:. Compiler outputs are also placed on DSK:.

Trying the Examples

The standard PiDP-8/I OS/8 RK05 boot disk contains several example C programs that the OS/8 version of CC8 is able to compile.

To try the OS/8 version of CC8 out, boot OS/8 within the PiDP-8/I environment as you normally would, then try building one of the examples:

.R CC            ⇠ compiler front end
>ps.c            ⇠ takes name of C program; creates CC.SB
.COMP CC         ⇠ compile SABR output of CC8 to CC.RL

Link and run it with:

*CC,LIBC/G       ⇠ CC.RL + pre-built LIBC.RL = runnable program; /G = "go"

These steps are wrapped up into the CC.BI BATCH file:

.EXE CC.BI       ⇠ must specify .BI to avoid running CC.SV instead
>ps.c            ⇠ builds, links, and runs it

This particular example (ps.c) is particularly interesting. It generates Pascal’s triangle without using factorials, which are a bit out of range for 12 bits!

The other examples preinstalled are:

If you look in src/cc8/examples, you will find these same programs plus basic.c, a simple BASIC language interpreter. This one is not preinstalled because its complexity is currently beyond the capability of the OS/8 version of CC8. To build it, you will have to use the cross-compiler, then assemble the resulting file under OS/8.

Another set of examples not preinstalled on the OS/8 disk are examples/pep001-*.c, which are described elsewhere.


You are hereby warned: The native OS/8 compiler does not contain any error checking whatsoever. If the source files contain an error or you mistype a build command, you may get:

Rarely will any of these failure modes give any kind of sensible hint as to the cause. OS/8 CC8 cannot afford the hundreds of kilobytes of error checking and text reporting that you get in a modern compiler like GCC or Clang. That would have required a roomful of core memory to achieve on a real PDP-8. Since we're working within the constraints of the old PDP-8 architecture, we only have about 3 kWords to construct the parse result, for example.

In addition, the native OS/8 compiler is severely limited in code space, so it does not understand the full C language. It is less functional than K&R C 1978; we do not have a good benchmark for what it compares to in terms of other early C dialects, but we can sum it up in a single word: "primitive."

Nonetheless, our highly limited C dialect is Turing complete. It might be better to think of it as a high-level assembly language that resembles C rather than as "C" proper.

Features and Limitations of the Cross-Compiler

The features of the cross-compiler are basically that of Small-C itself, the primary difference being in the PDP-8 SABR code generator, which doesn't affect its C language support.

A good approximation is K&R C (1978) minus:

Features of the OS/8 CC8 Compiler

The OS/8 version of CC8 is missing many features relative to the cross-compiler, and much more compared to modern C. Before we list those limitations, here is what is known to work:

  1. Local and global variables

  2. Pointers, within limitations given in the following section.

  3. Functions: Parameter lists must be declared in K&R form:

    int foo (a, b)
    int a, b;
  4. Recursion: See FIB.CC for an example of this.

  5. Simple arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, etc.

  6. Bitwise operators: &, ¦, ~ and !

  7. Simple comparison operators: False expressions evaluate as 0 and true as -1 in twos complement form, meaning all 1's in binary form. See the list of limitations below for the operators excluded by our "simple" qualifier.

  8. A few 2-character operators: ++, -- (postfix only) and ==.

  9. Limited library: See libc.h for allowed libc functions, of which there are currently 31, including:

    1. A subset of stdio:

      • fopen is implemented as

        void fopen(char *filename, char *mode)

        The filename must be upper case. Mode is either "w" or "r".

      • Only 1 input file and 1 output may be open at any one time

      • fclose() only closes the output file.

      • Call fopen to open a new input file. The current file does not need to be closed.

      • fprintf, fputc, and fputs are as expected.

      • fgets is implemented. It will read and retain CR/LF. It returns a null string on EOF.

      • fscanf is not implemented. Read a line with fgets() and then call sscanf on it.

      • feof is not implemented; fgetc and fgets will return a null on EOF.

    2. printf: See libc.c for the allowed format specifiers: %d, %s etc. Length and width.precision formatting is supported.

    There are many limitations in this library relative to Standard C or even K&R C, which are documented below.

  10. Limited structuring constructs: if, while, for, etc. are supported, but they may not work as expected when deeply nested or in long if/else if/... chains.

Known Limitations of the OS/8 CC8 Compiler

The OS/8 compiler has these known limitations relative to those of the cross-compiler:

  1. The language is typeless in that everything is a 12 bit integer and any variable/array can interpreted as int, char or pointer. All variables and arrays must be declared as int. The return type may be left off of a function's definition; it is implicitly int in all cases, since void is not supported.

  2. There must be an int main() which must be the last function in the single input C file.

  3. We do not yet support separate compilation of multiple C modules that get linked together. You can produce relocatable libraries in OS/8 *.RL format and link them with the OS/8 LOADER, but because of the previous limitation, only one of these can be written in C.

  4. Unlike the CC8 cross-compiler, the OS/8 compiler ignores all C preprocessor directives: #define, #ifdef, #include, etc. This even includes inline assembly via #asm!

    One day, we may add a preprocessor called by the CC.SV driver program, but not today.

    This means you cannot use #include directives to string multiple C modules into a single program.

    If that then makes you wonder how the OS/8 compiler looks up the stock library functions defined in libc.h — note that I've resisted using the word "standard" here, for they are anything but that in the Standard C sense — it is that the entry point mappings declared in libc.h are hard-coded into the CC2 compiler stage, implemented in p8.c.

    Similarly, the program initialization code defined in init.h is inserted into the program directly by the compiler rather than being pulled in via the preprocessor.

    Both of these header files must be included when building with the cross-compiler. The examples have these #include statements stripped out as they are copied to the OS/8 RK05 disk during the build process. This is done by bin/cc8-to-os8, a tool you may find use for yourself if you use both compilers on a single source program.

    If you have a program that is compiled using both the cross-compiler and the OS/8 compiler, you may wish to use #include statements, since the cross-compiler does process them.

  5. Variables are implicitly static, even when local.

  6. Arrays may only be single indexed. See PS.CC for an example.

  7. The compiler does not yet understand how to assign a variable's initial value as part of its declaration. This:

    int i = 5;

    must instead be:

    int i;
    i = 5;
  8. There is no && nor ¦¦. Neither is there support for complex relational operators like >= nor even !=. Abandon all hope for complex assignment operators like +=.

    Most of this can be worked around through clever coding. For example, this:

    if (i != 0 || j == 5)

    could be rewritten to avoid both missing operators as:

    if (!(i == 0) | (j == 5))

    because a true result in each subexpression yields -1 per the previous point, which when bitwise OR'd together means you get -1 if either subexpression is true, which means the whole expression evaluates to true if either subexpression is true.

    If the code you were going to write was instead:

    if (i != 0 || j != 5)

    then the rewrite is even simpler owing to the rules of Boolean algebra:

    if (!(i == 0 & j == 5))

    These rules mean that if we negate the entire expression, we get the same truth table if we flip the operators around and swap the logical test from OR to AND, which in this case converts the expression to a form that is now legal in our limited C dialect. All of this comes from the Laws section of the linked Wikipedia article; if you learn nothing else about Boolean algebra, you would be well served to memorize those rules.

  9. atoi is non-standard: int atoi(char *, int *), returning the length of the numeric string.

  10. scanf is not implemented; use gets then sscanf

  11. Dereferencing parenthesized expressions does not work: *(<expr>)

  12. The stack, which includes all globals and literals, is only 4 kwords. Stack overflow is not detected. Literals are inlcuded in this due to a limitation in the way COMMN is implemented in SABR.

  13. There is no argument list checking, not even for standard library functions.

  14. do/while loops are parsed, but the code is not properly generated. Regular while loops work fine, however.

  15. switch doesn't work.

Known Bugs in the OS/8 CC8 Compiler

  1. Binary file I/O is not always reliable. You are strongly encouraged to limit I/O to text files.

  2. Don’t forget to handle form feed. See c8.c.

  3. For some obscure reason, always open the input file first, then the output file. I suspect a fault in libc.c, which you are welcome to fix, keeping in mind that we're using every trick in the book to fit as much functionality in as we currently do. It may not be possible to make this as reliable as modern C programmers expect.


This is a somewhat limited manual which attempts to give an outline of a very simple compiler for which I apologise as the source code is obscure and badly commented. However, the native OS/8 compiler/tokeniser (n8.c) is only 600 lines which is a nothing in the scale of things these days. However, I hope this project gives some insight into compiler design and code generation strategies to target a most remarkable computer. I would also like to give credit to the builders of OS/8 and in particular the FORTRAN II system which was never designed to survive the onslaught of this kind of modern software.

Don’t expect too much! This compiler will not build this week’s bleeding edge kernel. But, it may be used to build any number of useful utility programs for OS/8.


This document is under the GNU GPLv3 License, copyright © May, June, and November 2017 by Ian Schofield, with assorted updates by Warren Young in 2017.