PiDP-8/I Software

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os8-cp: A tool to copy files to and from OS/8 running in SIMH


There have been various tools for copying files between OS/8 device image files and the platform hosting those image files. For example, the graphical OS8View by Ian Schofield.

This tool was designed to be called from the command line in the POSIX environment, and to interface between the POSIX filesystem and OS/8 running underi SIMH.

The semantics are like the POSIX cp program, except that a source or destination containing a colon is interpreted to refer to files within OS/8.

Additional arguments allow for specifying how the simulation is configured and booted. I.E. various POSIX files containing OS/8 device images are attached to SIMH.

The reason why direct copy into and out of image files was not pursued was that is seemed easier to use OS/8 and SIMH tools to copy files around rather than learning the low level directory formats and binary data representations for the various OS/8 image files. Anything that can be moved around by PIP under OS/8 is fair game for os8-cp.

The tool is written in Python and utilizes the pexpect library for starting up and communication with SIMH.



The architecture of OS/8 makes it impossible to operate with a write-locked boot device. (Many would argue that this is a serious defect, and I agree. However this is the reality we are dealing with.)

This means that there really should only be one instance of os8-cp manipulating a particular bootable image at a time.

When this tool was used in a Makefile, care had to be taken with dependencies so that a parallel make would never run more than a single instance of os8-cp.

There are a couple ways that this could be dealt with:

Ultimately the implementation decision was: Be careful not to run multiple instances os8-cp in parallel against the same boot image file.


os8-cp [-dhvq] [-<dev><unit>[s] image] ... [[-abiyz] <src>] ... <dest> os8-cp [-dhvq] [--action-file action-file]

<dev> Device: one of rk, td, dt, rx, corresponding to SIMH PDP-8 devices
<unit> Unit: must be a valid unit number for the device in both SIMH and
the booted OS/8 system. A unit number is required. Following
the unit with an "s" names the system device to boot. The
system image file must exist, and contain a working boot
image. Only one designated system device is allowed.
<src> Source: is a source file or wild card specification.
<dest> Destination: is a destination file if a single src file is specified;
if multiple <src> files are given, it is either a POSIX
directory or an OS/8 device name.

Specifying an action file overrides any device or file argument previously specified on the command line.


os8-cp -rk0s os8v3d-patched.rk05 -dt0 scratch.tu56 -a DTA0:PROG.PA 

Further Details

The copying direction is determined by which file name arguments have a colon in them:

If none of the file arguments has a colon in it and you give exactly two such arguments, we operate in a special case of copy-within mode: the source and destination volumes are assumed to be DSK:, so the file is simply copied within the OS/8 DSK: volume from one name to the other. If you give greater than two file name arguments without a colon in any of them, it is not possible to make sense of the command since we do not intend to try and replace your perfectly good POSIX cp implementation, so it errors out.

If you give only one file name argument, the program always errors out: it requires at least one source and one destination.

The -a, -b, -i, -y, and -z flags correspond to the OS/8 PIP options:

flag PIP Description
-a /A ASCII format. OS/8 and POSIX newlines are translated.
Such transfers are lossless if line endings are well-formed.
-b /B Binary OS/8 ABSLDR format with leader/trailer and other
specific formatting that is detected and enforced by PIP.
-i /I Image mode. Files are copied byte for byte verbatim.
-z /Z ZERO directory of destination OS/8 device.
-y /Y Yank system area from source to destination.

If no format flag is set, the default transfer format is /I.

(This priogram currently uses PIP as its primary handler for the OS/8 side of the work.) They must be followed by at least one source file name, and they affect all subsequent source file names until another such option is found. For example:

$ os8-cp -a foo bar -b qux sys:

Files foo and bar are copied to SYS: in ASCII mode, overriding the default binary mode, then binary mode is restored for the copy of file qux to the SYS: volume.

Beware that -i means something very different to this program than it means to POSIX cp: destination files will be unceremoniously overwritten!

More about image file mounts:

image files for non-boot dev specifications, if they do not already exist, are created. Their directories are initalized with the ZERO command. Multi-partition devices initialize all.

A future version will include a default system device if no dev system mount is made.


$ os8-cp -td0s my.tu56 -rk0 my.rk05 foo DSK:

...will boot from my.tu56, which is presumed to be a bootable OS/8 DECtape attached to SIMH device TD0. The RK05 disk image my.rk05 will be attached to RK0, since the default boot disk is not attached there in this example. It will copy POSIX-side file foo to DSK:FOO which will probably be interpreted as DTA0:FOO by the typical BUILD options for a bootable OS/8 TU56 DECtape. Beware therefore of using the generic SYS: and DSK: device names! You would be better advised to use DTA0:, RKA0: or RKB0: as the destination in this example.

$ os8-cp -td0s my.tu56 -rx1 my.rx01 foo RXA1:

This fixes the almost-certainly incorrect use of DSK: in the prior example.

The -dt and -td options are handled similarly to the -r* options, differing only in whether we use the SIMH DT or TD PDP-8 devices, which correspond to the TC08 or TD8E DECtape controllers. Which one you give depends on the device support built into the OS/8 media you've booted from.

More about src and dest specifications:

When only a destination device, directory, or volume name is given, file names are normalized when coping between POSIX and OS/8 systems. File names are uppercased and truncated to 6.2 limits when copying into OS/8. File names are lowercased on copying from OS/8 unless you give the source file name in all-uppercase. Then file name case is preserved. This behavior is overridden if you give a complete file name for the destination:

$ os8-cp my-long-file-name.txt DSK:MLF.FD

If you gave "DSK:" as the destination instead, you would have gotten "MY-LON.TX" as the desintation file name instead.

Run-time Options:

-d run in debug mode.
-v enable verbose status reporting.
-h -v print detailed usage message.




Copyright © 2018 by Bill Cattey and Warren Young. Licensed under the terms of the SIMH license.