Artifact 563fbd105d524390ae8234cfeffb3d48961ce70f:
- File examples/pep001-f4.ft — part of check-in [1dde81a5e4] at 2017-12-07 18:15:36 on branch trunk — Added FORTRAN II and FORTRAN IV versions of PEP001, correpsonding to the versions described in the current version of the PEP001.FT wiki article. (user: tangent size: 149) [more...]
DO 10 I = 3, 999 10 IF (MOD(I, 3) .EQ. 0 .OR. MOD(I, 5) .EQ. 0) ITOTAL = ITOTAL + I WRITE (4,20) ITOTAL 20 FORMAT (' TOTAL: ', I6)