About the GUI Framework

This example is based on the "MFCConsole" framework. Between that base and the FAQ-specific extensions, there are 1800 lines of generic framework code, neatly separated from the specific parts of each example based on it. You do not need to understand this framework to learn from the examples, but if you are interested, you can find information about the framework on the MFCConsole page.

The example framework has two main menu items: "Start Winsock Handler" (Ctrl-W), and a generic "Action" item (Ctrl-A). When you give the Start command, it calls DoWinsock() — this is similar to the console programs' DoWinsock() mechanism. The main difference in the GUI version is that DoWinsock() doesn't call the network handling functions directly: it just creates the object that does the real work. Then you give the Action command to do whatever specific thing the example does.

The Unique Bits

The unique parts of this example are in the CAsyncClientWnd class. That class derives from CNetworkDriver, a generic interface that the framework calls when you give the Start and Action commands mentioned above.

The Start() function in this example looks up the server's address and establishes the network connection to the server. Then the Action() function sends a packet for the server to echo back, and reads/verifies the reply. If the Action command is given again, another send/read sequence occurs. Then when the user closes the window, the connection is gracefully shut down.

That's more or less what the simpler basic blocking client does. The tricky bit, though, is that Winsock never blocks when all of this is going on. Whenever Winsock can, it does what we ask it to immediately, but most everything on the network takes time. So, rather than stop the program to wait on the network, Winsock lets us go back to handling the UI while it waits for the network operation to complete. When it does, Winsock sends us a window message to tell us the result. This means we can handle both networking and the UI in a single thread, but it does make the program harder to write.

Here's a detailed breakdown of the run sequence:

  1. The user gives the example framework's Start command. The example framework pops up a dialog box to get the server's address and port number.
  2. If the user hits OK in that dialog, the framework calls DoWinsock(), which creates CAsyncClientWnd, the window object that contains the async client code.
  3. The framework calls CNetworkDriver::Start(), which our subclass overrides. It just saves the address and port given, and does a DNS lookup on the address. The lookup almost always takes some time, so we usually just exit Start() without actually opening the connection to the server.
  4. When Winsock gets the host IP back from DNS, it calls our OnWinsockLookup() message handler. If it was a successful lookup, we call EstablishConnection().
  5. EstablishConnection() creates the socket, marks it as an asynchronous I/O socket, and attempts the connection. Again, this almost always takes some time, so we exit without having connected, and wait for Winsock to tell us whether it could connect or not.
  6. When the server accepts the connection, Winsock calls our OnWinsockNotify() message handler. This is the core of the asynchronous I/O handling: this message handler gets called for connections, disconnections, "data ready to read" events, and "okay to write" events. It also gets called for errors that happen asynchronously, like "connection refused by server". This time through, we get an FD_CONNECT notification, which just causes us to print a message saying that we're connected. Notice that we also get an FD_WRITE notification, which simply means Winsock is ready to handle send()s.
  7. Once the connection is established, the user can give the Action menu command. In this program, that means "send the echo request". We give the echo packet to Winsock, which it will deliver to the server as soon as it can. Meanwhile, we go back to waiting for window messages. (Note that the SendEcho() function isn't as smart as it might be: it's possible for send() to only queue up part of the buffer we give it. It's much rarer than the similar case with recv() but it can happen.)
  8. The server will receive the data and send it back. This will cause Winsock to send us an FD_READ notification. We read in the reply and check it, almost exactly like we do in the other clients' ReadReply() functions.
  9. Because this client is event driven, we can allow the to user give the Action command as many times as they want. Goto line 7. :)
  10. When the user gets tired of bouncing packets off the server, he can exit the program. This is another tricky part of the example, because we have to close the connection down gracefully before we exit. Like many other operations with asynchronous sockets, shutdown() only starts the shutdown process: we have to wait for an FD_CLOSE notification to know that the connection is really shut down. Meanwhile, we ignore window close requests.
  11. Eventually the FD_CLOSE notification arrives. If we see that the UI is waiting for a close notification message, we send it. The UI then says "okay, I can shut down now". It does, and that's the end of our little adventure.

The Code

This client program has about 330 lines of code, compared to about 150 in the basic blocking client. That's the tradeoff for getting a program that handles both the GUI and the network in a single thread without either blocking the other.

The project package (33 KB) is a complete Visual C++ 5.0 project. It includes everything you need to build the sample.


Note that this example program is released under a different license than the other example programs. It's a BSD-style license, which means you can do anything you want with the example so long as you don't sue me or my employer. Not even if it prints 500 pages of personal insults on your customer's high-speed laser printer.

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CAsyncSocket-based Client >>
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