D 2018-04-29T02:39:50.329 L Adventure N text/x-markdown P 90cb431e588f2c043ee6f1311ba5294ca1679480 U tangent W 3581 # Introduction The default OS/8 RK05 disk image shipped with our [binary OS images](/#bosi) has [Rick Murphy's version of Adventure][rma] installed and ready to run, so that unless you [go out of your way to disable Adventure][dopt], you do not need to follow [Rick Murphy's build instructions][rmdoc]. Since Rick's documentation is somewhat irrelevant to our configuration here and we wanted to make some additional points not covered in his documentation, we thought we should have some documentation of our own. [dopt]: /doc/trunk/README.md#disable-os8 [rma]: http://www.rickmurphy.net/advent/ [rmdoc]: http://www.rickmurphy.net/advent/ADVENT.DC # Starting the Game There are two supported ways to start Adventure. Either: .R FRTS *ADVENT$ ⇠ $ = Escape keypress or: .EXE ADVENT.LD # How to Wreck Your Adventure Game ## ...And How to Fix it The second command is obviously shorter, but it has a severe risk attached: if you forget to include the file name extension, it puts you at the mercy of OS/8's choice of `ADVENT.*` file to run: .EXE ADVENT As currently distributed by the PiDP-8/I project, there are two choices available to the `EXE` command: `ADVENT.FT`, the main FORTRAN IV source code file for Adventure, and `ADVENT.LD`, the binary FORTRAN IV loadable executable file that we've pre-built for you. If OS/8 happens to choose `ADVENT.FT`, it attempts to build the program from source code and run it, which will fail, because OS/8 Adventure requires a fairly complex [compilation][cbi] and [loading][lbi] sequence. Simply building `ADVENT.FT` will produce a broken `ADVENT.LD`, overwriting our version without any notice that this has happened. Consequently, the above correct commands will begin to give an error: USER ERROR MAIN 0047 The fix is to restore `ADVENT.LD` from the binary tape we've provided. From within the simulator, press Ctrl-E to get out to the SIMH command prompt, then follow this script: sim> att dt0 /opt/pidp8i/share/media/os8/subsys/advent.tu56 sim> cont .COPY DSK: