▼Nmysqlpp | |
▼Nexamples | Stuff related to MySQL++ examples specifically |
CCommandLine | Command line parsing mechanism for ../examples/*.cpp |
Ninternal | Namespace for holding things used only within MySQL++ |
▼Nssqlsxlat | Stuff specific to the ssqlsxlat tool |
CCommandLine | Command line parser for MySQL++'s ssqlsxlat tool |
CAutoFlag | A template for setting a flag on a variable as long as the object that set it is in scope. Flag resets when object goes out of scope. Works on anything that looks like bool |
CBeecryptMutex | Wrapper around platform-specific mutexes |
CScopedLock | Wrapper around BeecryptMutex to add scope-bound locking and unlocking |
CCommandLineBase | Parses command line arguments and holds the results |
CComparable | Mix-in that gives its subclass a full set of comparison operators |
CConnection | Manages the connection to the database server |
CTooOld | Functor to test whether a given ConnectionInfo object is "too old" |
CConnectionPool | Manages a pool of connections for programs that need more than one Connection object at a time, but can't predict how many they need in advance |
CDateTime | C++ form of SQL's DATETIME type |
CDate | C++ form of SQL's DATE type |
CTime | C++ form of SQL's TIME type |
CDBDriver | Provides a thin abstraction layer over the underlying database client library |
CException | Base class for all MySQL++ custom exceptions |
CBadConversion | Exception thrown when a bad type conversion is attempted |
CBadFieldName | Exception thrown when a requested named field doesn't exist |
CBadIndex | Exception thrown when an object with operator [] or an at() method gets called with a bad index |
CBadOption | Exception thrown when you pass an unrecognized option to Connection::set_option() |
CBadParamCount | Exception thrown when not enough query parameters are provided |
CUseQueryError | Exception thrown when something goes wrong in processing a "use" query |
CBadQuery | Exception thrown when the database server encounters a problem while processing your query |
CConnectionFailed | Exception thrown when there is a problem related to the database server connection |
CDBSelectionFailed | Exception thrown when the program tries to select a new database and the database server refuses for some reason |
CMutexFailed | Exception thrown when a BeecryptMutex object fails |
CObjectNotInitialized | Exception thrown when you try to use an object that isn't completely initialized |
CSelfTestFailed | Used within MySQL++'s test harness only |
CTypeLookupFailed | Thrown from the C++ to SQL data type conversion routine when it can't figure out how to map the type |
CBadInsertPolicy | Exception thrown when an insert policy is too strict to create a valid INSERT statement |
CField | Class to hold information about a SQL field |
CFieldNames | Holds a list of SQL field names |
CFieldTypes | A vector of SQL field types |
CSet | A special std::set derivative for holding MySQL data sets |
CString | A std::string work-alike that can convert itself from SQL text data formats to C++ data types |
COptionalExceptions | Interface allowing a class to have optional exceptions |
CNoExceptions | Disable exceptions in an object derived from OptionalExceptions |
Cnull_type | The type of the global mysqlpp::null object |
CNullIsNull | Class for objects that define SQL null in terms of MySQL++'s null_type |
CNullIsZero | Class for objects that define SQL null as 0 |
CNullIsBlank | Class for objects that define SQL null as a blank C string |
CNull | Class for holding data from a SQL column with the NULL attribute |
COption | Define abstract interface for all *Option subclasses |
CDataOption | Define abstract interface for all *Options that take a lone scalar as an argument |
CCompressOption | Enable data compression on the connection |
CConnectTimeoutOption | Change Connection::connect() default timeout |
CFoundRowsOption | Make Query::affected_rows() return number of matched rows |
CGuessConnectionOption | Allow C API to guess what kind of connection to use |
CIgnoreSpaceOption | Allow spaces after function names in queries |
CInitCommandOption | Give SQL executed on connect |
CInteractiveOption | Assert that this is an interactive program |
CLocalFilesOption | Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL statement |
CLocalInfileOption | Enable LOAD LOCAL INFILE statement |
CMultiResultsOption | Enable multiple result sets in a reply |
CMultiStatementsOption | Enable multiple queries in a request to the server |
CNamedPipeOption | Suggest use of named pipes |
CNoSchemaOption | Disable db.tbl.col syntax in queries |
CReadDefaultFileOption | Override use of my.cnf |
CReadDefaultGroupOption | Override use of my.cnf |
CReadTimeoutOption | Set timeout for IPC data reads |
CReconnectOption | Enable automatic reconnection to server |
CReportDataTruncationOption | Set reporting of data truncation errors |
CSecureAuthOption | Enforce use of secure authentication, refusing connection if not available |
CSetCharsetDirOption | Give path to charset definition files |
CSetCharsetNameOption | Give name of default charset |
CSetClientIpOption | Fake client IP address when connecting to embedded server |
CSharedMemoryBaseNameOption | Set name of shmem segment for IPC |
CSslOption | Specialized option for handling SSL parameters |
CUseEmbeddedConnectionOption | Connect to embedded server in preference to remote server |
CUseRemoteConnectionOption | Connect to remote server in preference to embedded server |
CWriteTimeoutOption | Set timeout for IPC data reads |
CSQLQueryParms | This class holds the parameter values for filling template queries. |
CSQLParseElement | Used within Query to hold elements for parameterized queries |
CQuery | A class for building and executing SQL queries |
CRefCountedPointerDestroyer | Functor to call delete on the pointer you pass to it |
CRefCountedPointer | Creates an object that acts as a reference-counted pointer to another object |
CSimpleResult | Holds information about the result of queries that don't return rows |
CResultBase | Base class for StoreQueryResult and UseQueryResult |
CStoreQueryResult | StoreQueryResult set type for "store" queries |
CRefCountedPointerDestroyer< MYSQL_RES > | Functor to call mysql_free_result() on the pointer you pass to it |
CUseQueryResult | StoreQueryResult set type for "use" queries |
CRow | Manages rows from a result set |
CScopedConnection | Grabs a Connection from a ConnectionPool on construction and releases it back to the pool on destruction, and provides access to the relevant Connection pointer |
CSQLBuffer | Holds SQL data in string form plus type information for use in converting the string to compatible C++ data types |
CSQLStream | A class for building SQL-formatted strings |
CSQLTypeAdapter | Converts many different data types to strings suitable for use in SQL queries |
CTCPConnection | Specialization of Connection for TCP/IP |
Ctiny_int | Class for holding an SQL TINYINT value |
CTransaction | Helper object for creating exception-safe SQL transactions |
CNoTransaction | Compile-time substitute for Transaction, which purposely does nothing. Use it to instantiate templates that take Transaction when you don't want transactions to be used |
Cmysql_type_info | SQL field type information |
CUnixDomainSocketConnection | Specialization of Connection for Unix domain sockets |
Cequal_list_ba | Holds two lists of items, typically used to construct a SQL "equals clause" |
Cequal_list_b | Same as equal_list_ba, plus the option to have some elements of the equals clause suppressed |
Cvalue_list_ba | Holds a list of items, typically used to construct a SQL "value list" |
Cvalue_list_b | Same as value_list_ba, plus the option to have some elements of the list suppressed |
CWindowsNamedPipeConnection | Specialization of Connection for Windows named pipes |