MySQL++  3.3.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 autoflag.hDefines a template for setting a flag within a given variable scope, and resetting it when exiting that scope
 beemutex.hMUTually EXclusive lock class
 common.hThis file includes top-level definitions for use both internal to the library, and outside it. Contrast mysql++.h
 comparable.hDeclares the Comparable<T> mixin
 connection.hDeclares the Connection class
 cpool.hDeclares the ConnectionPool class
 datetime.hDeclares classes to add SQL-compatible date and time types to C++'s type system
 dbdriver.hDeclares the DBDriver class
 exceptions.hDeclares the MySQL++-specific exception classes
 field.hDeclares the Field and Fields classes
 field_names.hDeclares a class to hold a list of field names
 field_types.hDeclares a class to hold a list of SQL field type info
 insertpolicy.hDeclares the InsertPolicy classes
 manip.hDeclares the Query stream manipulators and operators
 myset.hDeclares templates for generating custom containers used elsewhere in the library
 mysql++.hThe main MySQL++ header file
 mystring.hDeclares String class, MySQL++'s generic std::string-like class, used for holding data received from the database server
 noexceptions.hDeclares interface that allows exceptions to be optional
 null.hDeclares classes that implement SQL "null" semantics within C++'s type system
 options.hDeclares the Option class hierarchy, used to implement connection options in Connection and DBDriver classes
 qparms.hDeclares the template query parameter-related stuff
 query.hDefines a class for building and executing SQL queries
 refcounted.hDeclares the RefCountedPointer template
 result.hDeclares classes for holding information about SQL query results
 row.hDeclares the classes for holding row data from a result set
 scopedconnection.hDeclares the ScopedConnection class
 sql_buffer.hDeclares the SQLBuffer class
 sql_types.hDeclares the closest C++ equivalent of each MySQL column type
 sqlstream.hDefines a class for building quoted and escaped SQL text
 stadapter.hDeclares the SQLTypeAdapter class
 stream2string.hDeclares an adapter that converts something that can be inserted into a C++ stream into a std::string type
 tcp_connection.hDeclares the TCPConnection class
 tiny_int.hDeclares class for holding a SQL TINYINT
 transaction.hDeclares the Transaction class
 type_info.hDeclares classes that provide an interface between the SQL and C++ type systems
 uds_connection.hDeclares the UnixDomainSocketConnection class
 utility.hDeclares utility functions used within MySQL++
 vallist.hDeclares templates for holding lists of values
 wnp_connection.hDeclares the WindowsNamedPipeConnection class