MySQL++  3.3.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NexamplesStuff related to MySQL++ examples specifically
 CCommandLineCommand line parsing mechanism for ../examples/*.cpp
 NssqlsxlatStuff specific to the ssqlsxlat tool
 CCommandLineCommand line parser for MySQL++'s ssqlsxlat tool
 CAutoFlagA template for setting a flag on a variable as long as the object that set it is in scope. Flag resets when object goes out of scope. Works on anything that looks like bool
 CBeecryptMutexWrapper around platform-specific mutexes
 CScopedLockWrapper around BeecryptMutex to add scope-bound locking and unlocking
 CCommandLineBaseParses command line arguments and holds the results
 CComparableMix-in that gives its subclass a full set of comparison operators
 CConnectionManages the connection to the database server
 CTooOldFunctor to test whether a given ConnectionInfo object is "too old"
 CConnectionPoolManages a pool of connections for programs that need more than one Connection object at a time, but can't predict how many they need in advance
 CDateTimeC++ form of SQL's DATETIME type
 CDateC++ form of SQL's DATE type
 CTimeC++ form of SQL's TIME type
 CDBDriverProvides a thin abstraction layer over the underlying database client library
 CExceptionBase class for all MySQL++ custom exceptions
 CBadConversionException thrown when a bad type conversion is attempted
 CBadFieldNameException thrown when a requested named field doesn't exist
 CBadIndexException thrown when an object with operator [] or an at() method gets called with a bad index
 CBadOptionException thrown when you pass an unrecognized option to Connection::set_option()
 CBadParamCountException thrown when not enough query parameters are provided
 CUseQueryErrorException thrown when something goes wrong in processing a "use" query
 CBadQueryException thrown when the database server encounters a problem while processing your query
 CConnectionFailedException thrown when there is a problem related to the database server connection
 CDBSelectionFailedException thrown when the program tries to select a new database and the database server refuses for some reason
 CMutexFailedException thrown when a BeecryptMutex object fails
 CObjectNotInitializedException thrown when you try to use an object that isn't completely initialized
 CSelfTestFailedUsed within MySQL++'s test harness only
 CTypeLookupFailedThrown from the C++ to SQL data type conversion routine when it can't figure out how to map the type
 CBadInsertPolicyException thrown when an insert policy is too strict to create a valid INSERT statement
 CFieldClass to hold information about a SQL field
 CFieldNamesHolds a list of SQL field names
 CFieldTypesA vector of SQL field types
 CSetA special std::set derivative for holding MySQL data sets
 CStringA std::string work-alike that can convert itself from SQL text data formats to C++ data types
 COptionalExceptionsInterface allowing a class to have optional exceptions
 CNoExceptionsDisable exceptions in an object derived from OptionalExceptions
 Cnull_typeThe type of the global mysqlpp::null object
 CNullIsNullClass for objects that define SQL null in terms of MySQL++'s null_type
 CNullIsZeroClass for objects that define SQL null as 0
 CNullIsBlankClass for objects that define SQL null as a blank C string
 CNullClass for holding data from a SQL column with the NULL attribute
 COptionDefine abstract interface for all *Option subclasses
 CDataOptionDefine abstract interface for all *Options that take a lone scalar as an argument
 CCompressOptionEnable data compression on the connection
 CConnectTimeoutOptionChange Connection::connect() default timeout
 CFoundRowsOptionMake Query::affected_rows() return number of matched rows
 CGuessConnectionOptionAllow C API to guess what kind of connection to use
 CIgnoreSpaceOptionAllow spaces after function names in queries
 CInitCommandOptionGive SQL executed on connect
 CInteractiveOptionAssert that this is an interactive program
 CLocalFilesOptionEnable LOAD DATA LOCAL statement
 CLocalInfileOptionEnable LOAD LOCAL INFILE statement
 CMultiResultsOptionEnable multiple result sets in a reply
 CMultiStatementsOptionEnable multiple queries in a request to the server
 CNamedPipeOptionSuggest use of named pipes
 CNoSchemaOptionDisable db.tbl.col syntax in queries
 CReadDefaultFileOptionOverride use of my.cnf
 CReadDefaultGroupOptionOverride use of my.cnf
 CReadTimeoutOptionSet timeout for IPC data reads
 CReconnectOptionEnable automatic reconnection to server
 CReportDataTruncationOptionSet reporting of data truncation errors
 CSecureAuthOptionEnforce use of secure authentication, refusing connection if not available
 CSetCharsetDirOptionGive path to charset definition files
 CSetCharsetNameOptionGive name of default charset
 CSetClientIpOptionFake client IP address when connecting to embedded server
 CSharedMemoryBaseNameOptionSet name of shmem segment for IPC
 CSslOptionSpecialized option for handling SSL parameters
 CUseEmbeddedConnectionOptionConnect to embedded server in preference to remote server
 CUseRemoteConnectionOptionConnect to remote server in preference to embedded server
 CWriteTimeoutOptionSet timeout for IPC data reads
 CSQLQueryParmsThis class holds the parameter values for filling template queries.
 CSQLParseElementUsed within Query to hold elements for parameterized queries
 CQueryA class for building and executing SQL queries
 CRefCountedPointerDestroyerFunctor to call delete on the pointer you pass to it
 CRefCountedPointerCreates an object that acts as a reference-counted pointer to another object
 CSimpleResultHolds information about the result of queries that don't return rows
 CResultBaseBase class for StoreQueryResult and UseQueryResult
 CStoreQueryResultStoreQueryResult set type for "store" queries
 CRefCountedPointerDestroyer< MYSQL_RES >Functor to call mysql_free_result() on the pointer you pass to it
 CUseQueryResultStoreQueryResult set type for "use" queries
 CRowManages rows from a result set
 CScopedConnectionGrabs a Connection from a ConnectionPool on construction and releases it back to the pool on destruction, and provides access to the relevant Connection pointer
 CSQLBufferHolds SQL data in string form plus type information for use in converting the string to compatible C++ data types
 CSQLStreamA class for building SQL-formatted strings
 CSQLTypeAdapterConverts many different data types to strings suitable for use in SQL queries
 CTCPConnectionSpecialization of Connection for TCP/IP
 Ctiny_intClass for holding an SQL TINYINT value
 CTransactionHelper object for creating exception-safe SQL transactions
 CNoTransactionCompile-time substitute for Transaction, which purposely does nothing. Use it to instantiate templates that take Transaction when you don't want transactions to be used
 Cmysql_type_infoSQL field type information
 CUnixDomainSocketConnectionSpecialization of Connection for Unix domain sockets
 Cequal_list_baHolds two lists of items, typically used to construct a SQL "equals clause"
 Cequal_list_bSame as equal_list_ba, plus the option to have some elements of the equals clause suppressed
 Cvalue_list_baHolds a list of items, typically used to construct a SQL "value list"
 Cvalue_list_bSame as value_list_ba, plus the option to have some elements of the list suppressed
 CWindowsNamedPipeConnectionSpecialization of Connection for Windows named pipes