Download the Endpoint Library

Legal Stuff

The Endpoint Library (hereafter called the Library) is copyright © 1996-1997 by Warren Young (hereafter called the Author). All rights are reserved by the Author, with the exception of rights specifically granted to you in this section. This Library contains work orignally done for Educational Technology Resources, Inc. (ETR) However, ETR has disclaimed all ownership of the Library, granting all rights under copyright to the Author. The Author grants others the right to use the Library in any project, commercial or otherwise, and grants you the right to change the Library. The restrictions are these:

    • You may not re-distribute this Library in source code form, except that you keep it in substantially the same form as you received it, unless specifically so granted, in writing, by the Author. For example, you can change the installer/archiver format, but you may not change the source code.

    • If you wish to make your source code changes available publically, you must forward them to me for folding into the main distribution. I will be most likely to fold changes in if they are small improvements, or completely new subclasses that don't impact current classes.

    • You may not change, remove, deface or cause to be unreadable any of the copyright notices in the distribution.

    • You may only use this Library as a supporting component in a significantly larger project. That is, the Library must not be the focus of the project, in any reasonable sense of the word.

    • You may not represent the Library as your own work. If you mention the Library in your product's documentation, you must give proper authorship credit and copyright information.

And finally, this Library is being distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHATSOEVER. By using this Library, you automatically agree to abide by all of the terms in this section. If you cannot abide by them, don't use the library, it's that simple.

Caveat emptor, and may the Force be with you.

Gimme the Code!

The Endpoint package is currently distributed as a monolithic, self-installing package. It includes the base Endpoint classes, the Winsock subclasses, and the MiniPOP example. (A POP3 email server, and soon a POP3 client.) All documentation is still here at the web site.

Download the MFC version of The Endpoint Library (382K, 1997.12.30). (The older OWL version, dated 1997.10.12, is also available.)

After downloading it and expanding it into a directory of your choice, you can build the examples, the test program, and the libraries. Or, you can just play with the demo program, endpoint\MiniPOP\server\Release\server.exe. Curently, it requires Visual C++ 5.0 to build.

Last modified on 6 October 2001 at 06:45 UTC-7 Go to my home page